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QA (John Hammink, Tony, Naoki, Matt, John Shih)

  • Currently putting cases formerly living in test logs and requirements health checks into MozTrap: get credentials from CameronD on IRC
  • In so doing we're unifying our smoketests, level 0 and level 1 testcases with TF.
  • Working with relmgmt on the upcoming dogfood program. dogfood devices are coming in the next two weeks
    • Dependencies:
      • gecko and gaia updates must work. What's the Gonk updates look like?
      • Profiles must be restored from last working version (eg. settings, bookmarks restored)


  • Consolidate IxD: Dropbox is your friend. Here is the master folder for both visuals and interaction: System interaction design isn't 100% consolidated yet, but apps are. Ask us if you're uncertain.
  • String freeze: asd

Status Updates

Firefox Browser (Ben, Dale, Larissa, Naoki)

Calendar (James, Michal, cyee)

    • Initial work on day view
    • Optimized animations
    • Panning month view
    • -> Convert over to latest building blocks <-z
    • Visual Design for settings
    • Single event view
    • Incremental Loading of busytimes
    • Caching improvements

Camera (Dale, Frank)

    • Fully Feature Complete, last visual dev applied
    • Video recording is blocked
    • IxD interactions between gallery and camera app discussed and clarified during SP work week with Casey. Need to follow up with Dale on feature completeness.
    • needs some integration with Gallery app, including web activity support for jumping directly to gallery edit mode.
  • Camera is pretty much complete, there are 3 blocking basecamps issues and all of them are blocked on platform, when the platform side is fixed I will need to write some gaia side support but not much. I am going to try seeing if I can give mikeh some help on the platform side
  • Last Week

Clock (Ian, Frederico, Frank Lee)

    • Help to develop setting date & time for Setting APP.
    • Implement 12/24-hour format for time picker.
    • Add ringtone media for Clock APP.
    • Other visual and bugs fixing in detail.
    • Peter is going to harmonize visual design of in-flow time selector w/ the modal version that TEF visual design team has created.
  • Last Week
    • Refine edit-page visual and bug fixed for Clock APP.(pr#4447, fixed issue#3863, #4173, #4062)
    • Refine alarm list style for visual.(Fixed #3863)
    • Implement banner indicator for countdown set-alarm.(Fixed #4173)
    • Change the analog clock to be default clock face.
    • Fix snooze function not work.(Fixed #4062)

Contacts (Alberto, Etienne, Josh, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design)

    • Fix all the bugs related to the Contacts tab in the dialer and activities
    • Bugfixing and stabilisation
    • Add unit tests

Mail web activities, the call from contacts is in place but email is not opening the correct compose window. (This is actually not a blocker, but we should track it)


  • New specs from Ayman sent out (v5) Sunday night, 8/5.
  • Last Week
    • A bit of refactoring to make the code testeable
  • Contacts integrated in the dialer (thx Alberto, Etienne and Fabrice!)
  • Remove contact photo via long press
  • Carrier field added
  • Added new flow when the contacts is being show as an activity to pick numbers
  • Add an image to the contact from the gallery
  • Finish integrate Contacts and Dialer
  • Added fixed headers UI (reusable for Dialer and SMS)
  • Patch to support non-ASCII characters properly
  • Import SIM contacts working
  • Bug fixing (of course :))
  • Finish the work with webactivities, both the ones we provide plus the ussage of the gallery one and email.
  • Integrating contacts with dialer (omg!) waiting for multiple entry points being enabled with activities.(Already integrated in a local branch, copying the contacts app inside the dialer during the building process)
  • Use web activities for picking the photo from the gallery
    • Working in favorites, refactoring pull effect, adding extra fields and the search functionality
    • Minor VsD tweaks ongoing.

Dialer (Etienne, Josh, Borja, German, Fernando, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design)

    • Multiple calls visuals landed
    • The Dialer in now OOP \o/

Incoming call in Lock screen (swipe gesture to receive the call) already implemented

    • We've managed to include the "fixed headers" functionality in the call log so users have a clear view of what day they are seeing the calls of.
    • Information about the phone type and carrier (if any) is shown in the attention screen, outgoing calls screen and the call log.

Polish polish polish :) <-- yeah Adapt call log to latest IxD still ongoing. As German has come back from Holidays he will continue with this task, adding the carrier field in this functionality and other missing things as improvements in edit mode and transitions. -> Indeed

  • This week
    • Visuals for multiple call support (Erik is working on it, several main screens were delivered to Etienne --> landed
  • NOTES for Dialer
    • Issue 3033: Lock screen + Active call -> unblocked
      • Flagged Rafa + Ayman in email + issue CC, 8/5, for UX.
      • Flagged CLee to comment on feature importance for v1. I believe it's must-have.

Update from TEF on implementation?

    • Call waiting:
      • Ayman handling
      • Good to go? --> yep implemented
      • Sparked ongoing debate over best way to implement Carrier field. Sounds like that's been resolved? --> landed
    • Active Call UI --> visuals coming this week
      • [JC] Nudged Ayman again in 8/6 email to add to Dialer specs as per Status Bar doc.
  • Last Week
    • Performance issue fixed by platform! <- \o/
    • Multiple call POC ok, waiting for visuals
  • Call waiting:
    • [JC] Under debate by PM's for v1 inclusion (see "Call waiting" thread). Have asked Ayman + Erik to proceed with necessary UX, regardless.
  • Active Call status bar overlay
    • Josh: created "Active Call" UI as part of Status Bar doc. Awaiting vet from Ayman.

Email (Andrew (:asuth), Jim Porter (:squib), Casey (:cyee), Steve, Donovan (:fzzzy), Naoki(:nhirata), Dominic (:dkuo)

    • Dominic is in town for 2 weeks, Steve will be here soon too.
  • Actively Working
    • [asuth] now: Connection loss recovery, improved error handling.
    • [asuth] next: IMAP autoconfiguration using Thunderbird database/heuristics
    • [Dominic] Re-layout Settings page with Building Blocks applied, merged.
    • [Dominic] Working on page tansition and account settings page.
    • SEE ALSO: ActiveSync below

ActiveSync (Jim Porter (:squib), Asuth)

    • (Mostly) complete protocol support for email
  • This week:
    • Finish improving sync logic
    • Tests!
    • Merge everything into Gaia and turn on Gmail ActiveSync support
  • Last week:
    • Start improving sync logic

FM Radio (Pin)

    • Toggle feature is removed out of v1.
    • Gecko: finish implementation, clean code and submit patches to bugzilla for review. [landed][bug 779500]
    • Gaia: Finish the implementation, work with Casey & Peter to tweak the UI
  • Last Week
    • 90% Complete, just awaiting final layout tweaks with new button positioning
    • [PA] This will have to wait till post 7/20, as other components (app icons) are slipping due to the IxD churn
  • Open issues:
    • Revised IxD: tweaked this week, and it looks good. Confirm final placement of UI elements and have Peter finalize VsD. Try to have complete for Tuesday (keyscreens + assets, if possible) so devs have at least few days to implement for 7/20.
    • FM Radio API thread: appears to have concluded.
    • Steven: Got new patch from Q

Gallery (David):

    • Activities! Gallery needs to interact with Camera, Contacts, Bluetooth and Homescreen (for wallpaper). Lots of details to iron out. Need to watch out for feature creep!
    • Will be writing a simple iconless Wallpaper picker app for displaying built-in wallpapers.
    • Need to improve webgl performance in edit mode.
    • Still need to update mediaDB.js to the latest DeviceStorage API
    • no video support, since the camera doesn't capture videos yet
    • working with Casey on UX for "scanning"
    • need UX guidance if we're going ot have more instagram-style filters
    • visual design tuning
    • Bluetooth file transfer spec complete, need resourcing to implement. djf?
      • I can handle the gallery part of bluetooth. Don't have time to do all bluetooth.

Home (TEF UX, Josh, Cristian, Michal)

  • Last Week

Scrollable Dock (up to 7 items) alreday implemented and merged by Cristian Transitions: Apply opacity from Landing Page to Grid background Landing Page as start-up page and when clicking Home in the Grid Panning code optimitation to reach 50-60 fps Bug fixing

    • Open issues around Search. TF+Moz follow up happening next week.

Lock Screen (Tim, Josh)

    • Complete final thing before v1; confirm transition, polish
    • Nothing
  • Last Week
    • Transitions:
      • Revised version from Rafa mentioned at
        • Confirm Tim has received.
      • [JC] Patryk/Steve: recommend email proposed transitions doc to dev-gaia and solicit feedback re: performance viability, particularly from Chris Jones + Andreas
    • Emergency keypad:
      • Confirmed w/ Tim that it has been implemented as per Erik's mockups.
      • in-review
  • Last Last Week

Music (Dominic, DJF, Frank)

PDF Viewer (Josh)

Settings (Kaze, Pavel, Evelyn, Josh)

SMS & MMS (Steve Chung, Fernando Campo, Borja, Francisco Jordano)

  • A lot bug fixing
  • Deal about 'phonelibnumber' regarding 'country-code' issue
  • Activities working properly (SMS&Contacts)
  • Country code bug would be fixed with a solution based on the initial proposal done by Steve Chung( The solution would be a workaround fully done at the Gaia level (Ideal solution should be dobe in Gecko but no time for that)

[Blocked] Vicamo is working in this bug (B2G SMS: can't sent multipart messages in some countries):

  • Last week:
    • Changes done according to the Building Blocks in Edit Mode
    • Live Search already implemented
    • Carrier field integration
    • Flight mode implemented
    • 'Draft' approach and resend functionality
    • Bug fixing: prefix and threading,
    • SMS bigger than 160 characters cannot be sent.
    • Visuals fine tuning together with UX-Team
    • Transitions
  • This week

Bugs fixing

    • UI polishing.
    • Moving phone number library to share folder for dialer/contact app to handle phone number format issue.

    • SMS >160 chars fail (No update).
  • Last Week
    • Known UI bugs fixing.
    • TEF QA testing for more bugs and issues.

Video (Dale, DJF, Josh)

  • This Week

Code Complete! (apart from recently found minor issues)

  • Last Week
    • Dale landed a bunch of fixes
    • We're still waiting on getting unblocked on platform issues so we can get the duration of movies and skip forward and backward. UX won't be complete until we can do that.
* BLOCKED ON landing



  • Error messages
  • Copy writing
    • Josh to connect w/ Matej next week
  • Localization
    • action: Need audit done - dietrich to file issue (8/9)
  • Web activities
    • Josh will chase down individual designers and ask them to report in on that thread.
      • I believe this comment is a couple of weeks old.
    • action: Dietrich will file issues for each app's Web Activities, cc'ing eng + design (8/9)
  • Consumption control
    • Larissa recommended they do a security review
    • action: decision needed about what's shipping in V1 (8/9)
  • System updates
    • action: unblock josh on knowing update model for both app/system updates - see post (8/9)
    • action: enumerate what platform engineering is left (8/9)
  • Passive overlays
    • Typically used for education purposes, as tooltips, hints, etc.
    • As long as they live within apps, we can do X,Y sensitive tooltips.
    • Need to evaluate this as requirement for individual apps
    • tim confirmed can implement as transparent overlays as fullscreen images
    • action: need product call on whether we need this for v1 or not (8/9)
    • action: needs engineering ownership of framework if we decide to ship (8/9)
  • New font for v1
    • opensans for v1 - no action
  • implementation
    • Browser: open new tab
    • Apps: Window Manager spawns window within current app. The shell is defined system-wide. The contents are app specific. Does not spawn new app. Is created
      • Possible edge case: spawning multiple to open multiple sites in background
      • How do we support properties, eg:
        • Width, height, chrome, etc.
    • action: josh has spec, needs to generate wireframe (8/9)
  • Fullscreen API
    • Implicitly granted
    • Explicitly
    • action: needs ux work for permissions UI when web content requests fullscreen (8/9)
  • Haptics
    • There is an API. Easy to add.
    • Will look at tweaking when we get to dogfooding
    • action: none
  • Trustworthy UI
    • Uses navigator.pane (new API)
    • Apps cannot influence the content within.
    • Sytem opens window.
    • We use whitelist to screen
    • Spawned from where?
    • action: none
  • Wrapper
    • One relatively easy solution: Will probably use an activity to open the content into a browser and tell the browser to show certain UI.
    • Maybe do that for v1, and get fancier v2.
    • Check how iPad does this
    • action: none
  • Individual app settings
    • action: none
  • Contributor apps for v1
    • action: remove them
  • Menus + Dialogues
    • action: no action
  • Loading indicators
    • action: tim implementing
  • Transitions
    • action: patryk + steve need to talk to who? post to dev-gaia
  • Building blocks
    • any action

App Management

    • Install (Tim, Josh, Dan)
    • Permissions (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Management (Vivien, Josh, Carlo, Dan)
    • Updates (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Uninstall (Vivien, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Reinstall (?, Maria, Josh)
  • complete update meetings capture from Barcelona:

Bluetooth File Transfer (Kyle, Casey, Marco)

  • needs update

Building Blocks (Kaze, Pavel, Josh, Frank, Casey)

Consumption Control (Salva and Guillermo (TEF devs), Casey, Carlo, Rafael)

  • going to be standalone app
  • only platform api is network usage-per-type-of-connection

Date, Time, Time zones & Number formats (Vivien, Casey, Ricardo)

  • Larissa: Is in Personalization Settings-- Followed up, looks like there are no loose UX ends

First Run Experience (Tim, Maria, Josh, Larissa, Carlo, Ricardo)

  • This week:
    • meeting this thursday on work-to-date
    • Open issue: Passive overlays: can we use them? Ricardo indicated there was feasibility question from devs. Casey, can you figure out the issue?

Identity (Francisco, Fernando, Larissa)

  • need to figure out who owns dev here now

Keyboard & Text-Handling (Rudy, Christoph, Tim, Casey, Ricardo, Yuan, Wenbin, Salva)

  • christoph working on finishing js impl of predictive text
  • rudy fixing bugs

Localization & Internationalization (Fabien, Casey, Larissa, Staś)

  • what bugs/issues here?

Notifications (Etienne, Josh, Carlo, Rafael)

  • DONE

Security (Sicking, Lucas, Josh, Cjones)

  • is permissions UI prompts visually complete?
  • is permissions management visually complete?

Status Bar (Tim, who else?)

  • what's left here?

System Updater (Marshall)

  • what UI impl isn't done?

Fullscreen Support

  • What else here?

Screenshot capability

  • DONE: Press Home and Sleep buttons at the same time
  • saves to gallery

Visual Design

Visual Design: Graphics (Patryk, Peter, ?)

  • App Icons: done
  • Font will likely be delayed for v.2
  • Sounds being landed already - is complete?
  • Wallpapers - what's left here?
  • Form Elements
  • Dialog Elements
  • System Styling
  • Content Permissions
  • Activities (Intents)