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QA (John Hammink, Tony, Naoki, Matt, John Shih) This week

  • Some busted builds held up testing last week, now we're getting 21-24/26 cases passing smoketest
    • blocked by 2 bad builds (last week), had half day on friday
    • still hitting smoketest blockers, and feature incomplete work
  • David Scravaglieri and Vivien Nicolas ran the smoketest and noted that there are many regressions on Gecko (platform) side.
  • Recent smoketest blockers
  • Marcia recently smoketested tested a build on Unagi Phone; alot of instability and crashes


  • There are a number of "Failed" testcases marked in TEF's smoketests from last week; need to clarify these.
  • Currently many of us are involved on updating moztrap; adding test suites etc, syncing up testcases/metrics with TEF so still only partial focus on test execution. Hoping to bump this up during this week.
    • use cases are being added/rewritten. PM, engagement getting involved
    • more test case writing, more testing, more filling in numbers for stats

Last Week"

    • still mapping use-cases to testcases
  • Bug 795623 - Cannot play a mp3 file from the sdcard on 9/28 otoro build - MPEG-4, MP3, AAC MIME types not recognized

Updater blockers:

    • Bug 794211 - [OTA update] never receive update notification using nightly builds
    • Bug 791829 - [OTA update] No way of resuming a stopped/partial update
    • test passes against the phone
  • other issues found during smoketest
  • Also new smoketest running now
    • The correct version has 26 cases now (as opposed to 39)

and is here:

    • Vivien, John Shih, etc running old version of smoketest with 39 cases, so please update!


  • Working 90% on user story audit
  • Need to renom some important v1 items
  • Specs this week:
    • Finalizing late additions
      • Trusted UI
      • Network error messages
      • App Crash reports
    • Updating
      • App Updates
      • System Updates
  • Bugging TEF re: Landing screen
  • Making peformance top priority

Status Updates

Payments & Identity

Firefox Browser (Ben, Dale, Larissa, Naoki)

    • One remaining feature has now been marked blocking-
   Expire old visits, places and favicons
    • blocking+ browser bugs;component=Gaia%3A%3ABrowser;resolution=---;list_id=4618195
   blocked by
   (assigned to Patrick Wang)
    • can't enter space in browser URL bar
  blocked by
  (keyboard inputMode support, assigned to djf)
    • Browser responds to wrong contextmenu data
  blocked by 
  (which Dale was working on but might need help from Olli or someone else)

Calendar (James, Michal, cyee)

    • Turn on alarms / periodic sync
    • Conflict Display
    • ICAL.js fixes & updates.
    • Sync Improvements
    • Error Handling
    • Ensure Timezone Support works Platform (platform/gaia integration)
    • Basic integration test coverage:
  • Last Week
    • Lots of small bug fixes
    • Final Week Display Tweaks
    • Day View (Michal) - done
    • Week View (Michal) - done (final tweaks needed)

Camera (Dale, Frank) Dale says "All of the camera side of video recording is complete, its now a few platform bugs and Gallery support which is in progress"

  • Last Week
    • Fully Feature Complete, last visual dev applied
    • Video recording is blocked
    • IxD interactions between gallery and camera app discussed and clarified during SP work week with Casey. Need to follow up with Dale on feature completeness.
    • needs some integration with Gallery app, including web activity support for jumping directly to gallery edit mode.
  • Camera is pretty much complete, there are 3 blocking basecamps issues and all of them are blocked on platform, when the platform side is fixed I will need to write some gaia side support but not much. I am going to try seeing if I can give mikeh some help on the platform side

Clock (Ian, Frederico, Frank Lee)

    • Polish Clock APP.
    • Other bugs fixing.
    • Bug 790499 - Time API: Call JS_ClearDateCaches() to update Date object's timezone when the system timezone is reset
    • Peter is going to harmonize visual design of in-flow time selector w/ the modal version that TEF visual design team has created.
  • Last Week

Contacts (Alberto, Etienne, Josh, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design)

  • Performance
  • BLOCKED ON: Inline activities bug

  • Last Week
    • Remove all inline JS cause of CSP
    • Bugfixing
    • Settings for contacts
    • Fix unit tests
    • Contacts repainting issues (
      • Unit test for FB contacts
      • New edit mode
      • New settings section
      • Bottom-Top transitions
      • Sync contacts with the dialer tab
      • Bugfixing and stabilisation
      • Fix all the bugs related to the Contacts tab in the dialer and activities

Mail web activities, the call from contacts is in place but email is not opening the correct compose window. (This is actually not a blocker, but we should track it)

      • A bit of refactoring to make the code testeable
    • Contacts integrated in the dialer (thx Alberto, Etienne and Fabrice!)
    • Remove contact photo via long press
    • Carrier field added
    • Added new flow when the contacts is being show as an activity to pick numbers
    • Add an image to the contact from the gallery
    • Finish integrate Contacts and Dialer
    • Added fixed headers UI (reusable for Dialer and SMS)
    • Patch to support non-ASCII characters properly
    • Import SIM contacts working
    • Bug fixing (of course :))
    • Finish the work with webactivities, both the ones we provide plus the ussage of the gallery one and email.
    • Integrating contacts with dialer (omg!) waiting for multiple entry points being enabled with activities.(Already integrated in a local branch, copying the contacts app inside the dialer during the building process)
    • Use web activities for picking the photo from the gallery
      • Working in favorites, refactoring pull effect, adding extra fields and the search functionality
      • Minor VsD tweaks ongoing.

Dialer (Etienne, Josh, Borja, German, Fernando, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design) - Phone number normalization (Borja and Etienne working on it) - USSD (Germán) - in progress (first version ready and under review by the UX team to fine tune it. PR to be sent no later than tomorrow (26/09)).

    • Multiple calls visuals landed
    • The Dialer in now OOP \o/

Incoming call in Lock screen (swipe gesture to receive the call) already implemented

    • We've managed to include the "fixed headers" functionality in the call log so users have a clear view of what day they are seeing the calls of.
    • Information about the phone type and carrier (if any) is shown in the attention screen, outgoing calls screen and the call log.

Polish polish polish :) <-- yeah Include

  • This week
    • USSD:
      • Update of the USSD functionality according to the latest UX guidelines ( under revision by the UX team. PR to be sent tomorrow (26/09) the latest.
      • Bug reported regarding notifying the closing of a USSD session:
      • There is another issue under discussion with the "platform guys" regarding the closing of USSD sessions by any app with access to mozMobileConnection or only by the "owner" of the session. The USSD feature only accepts 1 active connection at a time as defined by the specification. This issue is related to the fact that more than 1 app may want to send USSD messages (such as the Dialer app and the Cost Control app) and a proper management of the connections has to be made in these situations.

[BLOCKED] Call log threading is not working due to this functionality is blocked. You could see the discussion here:

  • NOTES for Dialer
    • Issue 3033: Lock screen + Active call -> unblocked
      • Flagged Rafa + Ayman in email + issue CC, 8/5, for UX.
      • Flagged CLee to comment on feature importance for v1. I believe it's must-have.

Update from TEF on implementation?

    • Call waiting:
      • Ayman handling
      • Good to go? --> yep implemented
      • Sparked ongoing debate over best way to implement Carrier field. Sounds like that's been resolved? --> landed
    • Active Call UI --> visuals coming this week
      • [JC] Nudged Ayman again in 8/6 email to add to Dialer specs as per Status Bar doc.
  • Last Week
    • Performance issue fixed by platform! <- \o/
    • Multiple call POC ok, waiting for visuals
  • Call waiting:
    • [JC] Under debate by PM's for v1 inclusion (see "Call waiting" thread). Have asked Ayman + Erik to proceed with necessary UX, regardless.
  • Active Call status bar overlay
    • Josh: created "Active Call" UI as part of Status Bar doc. Awaiting vet from Ayman.

Email (Andrew (:asuth), Jim Porter (:squib), Casey (:cyee), Steve(:schung), Naoki(:nhirata), Dominic (:dkuo)

  • Was Bad News, now Good: MozTCPSocket is undefined (affecting IMAP) under our nightly Otoro builds because of a dumb Makefile error than landed on Oct 4th; we just identified the problem, will get a fix in today:
  • Things slowing us down:
    • asuth: painting problems/homescreen crashes on linux b2g-desktop, even having trouble just pushing profiles to the device. Self-build from today seems better?
  • Fixes on-deck:
    • [Steve and Dominic] Various UI cleanups in the front-end; asuth reviewing now (b2g complicating testing...)
      • [dkuo] Apply header and button BB for email
    • [asuth] Autoconfig fixes for 404's; co-mingled with move/delete patch, waiting on that
    • [asuth] IMAP timezone server fixes, re-greening of unit tests; co-mingled with move/delete patch
  • Very soon now:
    • [asuth] IMAP move/delete support (with various other job fixes) and tests; optimistically hoping to have it operational per tests late today, otherwise tomorrow.
  • Notable Features that we would ideally still implement after stabilization: (Same as last week):

ActiveSync (Jim Porter (:squib), Asuth)

    • (Mostly) complete protocol support for email; specifically:
      • Downloading attachments
      • HTML messages
      • Server-side search
      • Saving drafts
  • This week:
    • Fix login issues with saving passwords and HTTP auth dialogs
    • Fix sending mail via Gmail
    • Tests! (Fakeserver?)
  • Last week:
    • Adjust filter range
    • Fix some timeout issues

FM Radio (Pin)

    • Toggle feature is removed out of v1.
    • Gecko: finish implementation, clean code and submit patches to bugzilla for review. [landed][bug 779500]
    • Gaia: Finish the implementation, work with Casey & Peter to tweak the UI
  • Last Week
    • 90% Complete, just awaiting final layout tweaks with new button positioning
    • [PA] This will have to wait till post 7/20, as other components (app icons) are slipping due to the IxD churn
  • Open issues:
    • Revised IxD: tweaked this week, and it looks good. Confirm final placement of UI elements and have Peter finalize VsD. Try to have complete for Tuesday (keyscreens + assets, if possible) so devs have at least few days to implement for 7/20.
    • FM Radio API thread: appears to have concluded.
    • Steven: Got new patch from Q

Gallery (David):

    • I need a clear answer on whether Gallery is going to play videos for v1.
    • Contributor Adityab may work on the video playback piece
    • Various gallery bugs are accumulating while I work on keyboard and activities

Home (TEF UX, Josh, Cristian, Michal) Cristian is working in optimizing the integration. Putting back the landing page. Performance.

  • Animation polishing
    • Cristian removed bouncing effect in panning requested by Josh
  • BB Integration (i.e. search)
  • Review of bookmarking/installation cases (duplicates, etc.)
    • Vivien and Cristian have almost the UI Wrapper integrated in Gaia
    • From we can currently differentiate between origin and specific search URI (e.g. and ) so we can avoid duplicates
  • Last Week

Scrollable Dock (up to 7 items) alreday implemented and merged by Cristian Transitions: Apply opacity from Landing Page to Grid background Landing Page as start-up page and when clicking Home in the Grid Panning code optimitation to reach 50-60 fps Bug fixing

    • Open issues around Search. TF+Moz follow up happening next week.

Lock Screen [PLEASE SKIP] (Tim, Josh)

  • Nothing is currently working on in Gaia
    • cjones is investgating CSS pref issue

    • Complete final thing before v1; confirm transition, polish
    • Nothing
  • Last Week
    • Transitions:
      • Revised version from Rafa mentioned at
        • Confirm Tim has received.
      • [JC] Patryk/Steve: recommend email proposed transitions doc to dev-gaia and solicit feedback re: performance viability, particularly from Chris Jones + Andreas
    • Emergency keypad:
      • Confirmed w/ Tim that it has been implemented as per Erik's mockups.
      • in-review
  • Last Last Week

Music (Dominic, DJF, Frank)

PDF Viewer (Josh)

Settings (Kaze, Pavel, Evelyn, Josh)

  • Settings feature complete
  • Bluetooth file sharing UI is ongoing
  • Small API change on bluetooth and SIM card
  • Last (last) Week

Task owner:

    • bluetooth settings: Evelyn (done)
    • bluetooth file sharing: Ian
    • Date/Time: Ian (done)
    • Device/Media Storage: Rudy (done)
    • SIM card settings: Evelyn (done)
    • Passcode settings: alive (done)
    • Wifi/Data connection: kaze (done)
    • First Run Experience in Settings: kaze
    • App permission: Etienne
    • done: using building blocks for headers and switches
    • done: unified look&feel (consistent panels)
    • screen reader (and accessibility menu) have been removed
    • Bluetooth:
      • discover devices, rename my phone. (reviewing, some platform bugs found)
    • [BLOCKED] pair device is blocked on platform implemetation
    • SIM PIN (on going, need spec update for issue → implemented but serious UX regression, see
    • Wi-Fi: clickable “show passord” checkbox, authentication failure reports
    • brightness can't be zeroed any more

SMS & MMS (Steve Chung, Fernando Campo, Borja, Francisco Jordano)

  • Feature complete.
[Note] Take care of
  • Last week:
    • Apply BB (Thanks Ismael! ;) )
    • Notifications working properly
    • Header UI implemented
    • SMS App protected against platform error regarding activities.
    • Transitions improved avoiding platform bug.
    • SMS bigger than 160 characters cannot be sent.
    • Include BB of 'input' and so forth. Header and Edit mode are already working.
  • This week

- UI polish. Include suggestions/feedback from QA/UX. Apply all BB available. - Fixing bugs


[Blocked] Vicamo is working in this bug (B2G SMS: can't sent multipart messages in some countries):

  • Last Week
    • Known UI bugs fixing.
    • TEF QA testing for more bugs and issues.

Video (Dale, DJF, Josh)

  • This Week
    • Dale says "currently chasing up platform blockers with video"
  • Last Week

Code Complete! (apart from recently found minor issues)


General Activities [djf] I'll be reviewing the activities we've made up and making them sane: Activities are part of our public API and they need a review before finalizing them for v1.

^^ Anyone want to take that bug? I'm busier than expected with predictive text/word suggestions from the keyboard. Josh review David's matrix this weekend. So compares specs (intent) vs matrix (current implementation) App Errors Josh App errors "Fatal"

App Error "Other" App Crash Reports

Browser Error pages

  • Generated by Gecko, localizd
  • Email — "Browser network error messages"
  • Issue —
  • Gecko error messages are in place.
  • Asked Ben + Larissa who on platform to ask about this, 9/15. cc'd Patryk. Discussed w/ Patryk 9/18. Recommended specific small changes. A.R.
  • Patryk has proposed VsD changes.

App Install Josh Etienne dev?

  • need updated specs (#4948)
  • bug #790558
  • Communicate to eng managers that we have work that needs to get done
  • Dietrich is figuring out who central dispatch is for engineering resources

App Updates Josh

  • New spec from Josh pending, aiming for Monday

App Uninstall App Security Bluetooth Kyle, Casey, Marco, Ian

  • [Casey] This week: Bluetooth headset is confirmed by @clee as a requirement. UX is defined in Dialer specs.
  • In-application file transfer defined and is being implemented.
  • Develop Bluetooth APP for data transfer.
  • Implement UI flow(send, receive, progress, notification, and banner).
  • Integrate with WebAPI(send, transferring progress).
  • Integrate with WebAPI(receive, stop transferring task).
  • Boot sequence Casey (as part of FTE)
  • Are determining v1 options here:

Building blocks Sergi, Ismael, etc.

  • Much of the components have landed.
  • Commenting and applying feedback, updating main bb repo with Gaia merge changes.
  • Sergie and Arnau implementing common controls
  • Need to address taxonomy with @jcarpenter @cyee

Cost control

  • Most ot the functionality landed in Gaia
  • The cost control functionality should be only available if a Vivo SIM is inserted.
  • Data usage part is blocked on bug
  • [Casey] This week: There has been several complaints about unwanted SMS charges on peoples personal accounts due to this feature while dogfooding. It would be make sense to add some sort of toggle for this feature. Rafa, Josh, Cristian


  • No news this week

Font Patryk

  • [Casey] This week: Font has been landed and is ready for use in Gaia.
  • from mwu: for any future changes in the fonts, feel free to commit directly to the moztt repo - . As long as the file names do not change, no special changes are required. If files are added/removed/renamed, I can update the fonts. (adding/removing fonts requires updating two repos)
  • Please test apps using font-family: MozTT, the font should be quite similar to Open Sans with regards to size, weights and other font properties. It should be a simple straightforward replace -- @Patryk can confirm correct font implementation.
  • Next steps: Implement font as main font in Body.
  • Localization & Copy Josh
  • Josh and Matej auditing here:
  • Josh will deliver tomorrow.
  • Josh putting together guidelines. Rough version already shared w/ TEF.

FIle Management Casey

  • Bluetooth file receive behavior for compatible file types need to be verified. [Casey]: Ian is handling this part. Need to follow up with progress.
  • Mail attatchment downloads file types. [Casey]: Specced in Mail.
  • Browser downloads: how do you get back to a pdf file you viewed via pdf viewer from email, for example? [Casey]: Attachments will remain openable from Email message after download.

FTE: Setup Casey

  • [Casey] This week: FTE implementation underway. All open questions should now be answered.
  • Need to follow up with Vivien for progress.
  • Open threads:
  • Time zone selection [Casey]: Implemented into Settings app -- should be using the same scheme for FTE.
  • FxOS brand touches [Casey]: Followed up with Peter Scanlon with no response.
  • Startup sequence: [Casey]: Peterla has animation out to mwu for implementation.
  • Mozilla screens [Casey]: @lco legal copy still outstanding?

FTE: Tutorials Casey defining Tutorials/Tool tips.

  • first draft spec, low priority
  • implementation work not started

Hardware Reqs Josh

  • Device mockups being produced
  • Identity + Payments Josh, Maria
  • Major meetings in SF this week to finalize architecture.
  • Need to assign UX and dev ownership once architecture confirmed. Ricardo feels it makes sense for Moz to take UX lead on end-to-end pieces, if Moz devs are doing most of code.

Internet Sharing Casey

Keyboard & Text-Handling

  • [djf] I'm working on making text predictions usable. This is taking longer than expected. Can we blocking+ this? It would make it easier for me to land my fixes.
  • Had a good conversation with Rafael, and I know what I need to do t

Rudy, Christoph, Tim, Casey, Ricardo, Yuan, Wenbin, Salva)

  • Rudy working on implementing date picker with James Lal's implementation form Calendar.
  • Rudy has implemented select option.
  • Filed bug for input box selection.

Notifications Scrolling Cody+Patryk

  • Cody is loading his prototypes onto device, his treatment will then be applied to all async scrolling. Said on 9/20 that it would be loaded 9/21.

SIM SIM Application Toolkit (frsela) This week


  • Casey [Casey] In progress.
  • Sound priority matrix is being created.

Status Bar Josh

  • Activity indicator progress is proceeding

System Updates Josh

  • Josh to contact Marshall re: current status
  • Josh to try to land updated specs on Monday
  • Josh: Reginaldo from Vivo had following questions. Forwarded them to Clee and Cjones 9/12. Awaiting response.
  • "It would be nice if Vivo could customize the messages prompted to the user before the updates"
  • "Do you know if this update mechanism will take use of the push platform that’s being developed by Telefonica Digital?"

System Overlays Volume level Josh+Alive

USB Connection Casey

Battery indicators that appear when device is turned OFF Josh

Trustworthy UI Josh, Ayman

  • Peter produced a visual design mockup late last week.
  • Decisions being made this week (9/17-9/21) in Identity+Payments meetings are going to directly influence what we do.
  • Latest thinking from Lucas is that we should place UI within non-transparent inset frame, atop Home app background.
  • Josh meeting w/ Ricardo and Ayman today to discuss.
  • & Off-origin content Josh
  • Issue: [System: Popup] Update Visual to Entry Sheet, maybe add URL and SSL icon
  • Issue: Show the origin of the page if you are within a web app, but not on the app origin
  • Josh: Created issue, 9/20: [Task switcher] Append origin of off-origin content to app name
  • Is anti-spoofing measure. Tim is working on.
  • Josh: Reassigned #2831 to Patryk for VsD, and also cc'd Alive to start dev. 9/19, #2831. F.U.

Wrapper Rafa, Josh, Cristian

  • Bookmarking flow
  • Wrapper UX
  • need permissions, cpd, etc information from christian
  • lots of open questions
  • need product input around firefox-coherence policy regarding browser-ish things (privacy, data, etc)
  • Are driving conversation here:

Visual Design

Visual Design: Graphics (Patryk, Peter, ?)

  • App Icons: done
  • Font will likely be delayed for v.2
  • Sounds being landed already - is complete?
  • Wallpapers - what's left here?
  • Form Elements
  • Dialog Elements
  • System Styling
  • Content Permissions
  • Activities (Intents)

User Documentation and Support

This week:

  • support seems scary
  • Links to support on the phone are not correct (link from browser, link from settings)
  • Meeting with TEF support and ops tomorrow

Last week:

  • Kickoff weekly support readiness meetings
  • Iterating on mobile designs for SUMO