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Weekly Gaia Development Meeting

Announcements & Notices


reporter: tony chung

  • Individual team member status here -
  • 1.3
    • 1.3+ bugs opened (36, down from 45 last week)
    • Nuwa disabled on keyboard for 1.3 builds (Bug 968957 )
    • More APZC testing due to checkerboarding blocker (bug 942750)
    • Latest Smoketest Result
      • 45 out of 48 tests passed for the 2014-02-05 Buri v1.3.0 MOZ RIL Build. 1 blocker:
        • 967414 [Datastore] navigator.getDataStores is undefined
        • 965874 - FOTA bustage issue
      • Burirun 1.3-3 kicked off monday
        • 13 passed, 42 failed, 0 blocked, 4 invalid / 4364 cases total. Coverage is at 20%
        • No blockers yet
      • L10N run
        • Locales covered during this first round: Testing coverage is at 54.57%
        • 1.3? called out so far:
          • 968963 [Bengali]E.Me installed app suggestions display in English. (New)
          • 968998 [All Locales]E.Me Smart Collection list is displayed in english. (New)
          • 967708 [Settings] German: "Change PIN" doesn't use localization (Resolved Fixed)
          • 967857 [Gaia][Keyboard] Bengali: The Probhat keyboard for the Bengali language includes symbols that do not fit in the keyboard button. (Resolved Fixed)
          • 969193 [Cost Control] The string "OK" is not translated when launching cost control with a locked SIM




Talking this week: James Sprint tracking wiki: Notes: The Team: asuth, evanxd, ianliu, gaye, lightsofapollo, doliver, jrburke, gghosh, mcav, jhford, cserran, pdol, tony (qa), william hsu (qa), robmac

Media front end

Talking this week: djf

   Our   team: Dave Hylands, David Flanagan, Mike Habicher, Jim Porter, Hema   Koka, Dominic Kuo, Diego Marcos, Wilson Page, Punam Dahiya   (part-time), Justin D'Arcangelo (part-time), Russ Nicoletti (part-time) Product: Sri Kasetti Ux:  Rob  MacDonald, Patryk Adamczyk EPM: Candice Serran QA: Marcia Knous
   mozCamera API refactoring + related Gaia changes landed yesterday. See Mike's post to dev-gaia (Backed out for problem with Gecko patch.)
   Our partners for the Madai device have ambitous plans for the camera app. We're working with them to contribute their changes back to us. The risk is that their changes won't be in a form (clean pull requests, tests, etc.) that we are comfortable landing in 1.4. Diego and Wilson will be visiting their site for a week to help show their camera developer team how to be effective FirefoxOS contributors.
   Work on custom ringtone selection and management is off to a good start
   As a result of a 1.3+ bug, we're about to land some nice memory improvements to the Gallery app scanning process. If your app resizes images, talk to me.
   Please stop breaking media apps when you use audio in your app. Talk to squib.


Talking this week: Kevin

   TEAM: bkelly, geo, hub, huseby, jhylands, jld, kgrandon, mchang, mlee, wlach, Walter Chen
   Some 1.3 work.
   Tarako work week in progress, a few of our members are helping out there.

Comms app

Talking this week: Julien! Dialer: Looked at performance issues (sounds, reflows), big accessibility patch coming \o/ Contacts API: landing the migration optimization patch, quite scary but now correctly covered with tests. Will send a mail to the ML explaining these things. Messages: nothing much Thumbnails for all the places where we display contacts (good for scrolling perf)

System front end

Talking this week: Ben

   Sprint tracking wiki:
   Daily standups:

The team: cserran, gwagner, ladamski, kyle m, michael h, aus, sam, alexandre, francis, jason, atsai, pdol, benfrancis, daleharvey, naoki, john, tef

   We had a work week in Paris last week
   1.3 blockers fixed
   Progress on Rocketbar
   Frozen on version 8 of the UX spec for this sprint with visual design nearing completion
   Demo of show/hide Rocketbar transition prototype
   Rocketbar vs. browser app configurable at build time
   Progress on system browser navigation bar by our friends from Telenor
   Demo of new notifications panel
   Progress on sheets


System platform


Media recording


Round Table

   Martin Best (games guy) asked about the status of the reference device and in lieu of stable builds for it for use at MWC, is the plan to use the Open C?
   [djf] Am I the only one who does not know what NuWa is?
   Ben Francis === Yevgeny Plushenko? Has anyone ever seen them in the same room?
   We need Ice Skating at the next work week !
   come to Toronto!
   Everyone seen , right? :)
   [Preeti]: Sharing of best practices from Productivity and SFE team