Gaia/New-Architecture-Program/Contacts/FxOS-S6(04 Sep)

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General info

  • Members
    • Borja Salguero (DEV)
    • Fernando Campo (DEV)
    • Manuel Casas (DEV)
    • Maria Oteo (EPM)
  • Meetings:
    • Daily happening everyday in Mumble at 10:30 CEST
    • Sprint Planning, on Monday (every two weeks)
  • Links of interest:

Sprint objectives

Bugs for this sprint

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Regressions introduced by our work (highest priority)

  • Bug 1185143 - [Contacts] Backing out of selecting an emergency/ICE contact brings user to blank page in Contacts (Manu) 2.5+ (Resolved)
  • Bug 1191471 - [Contacts] Creating a new contact has no default fields populated. Francisco to confirm if it's a bug or not
  • Bug 1191606 - [Contacts][Import] Contact thumbnails are improperly cropped to the upper left portion of the image on the import screen (FerJ) Borja to review it. 2.5+
  • Bug 1197750 - [Contacts] After updating contacts, the old one and new one both exist, but they are same. Introduced when landing the "update" view. 2.5+ (Resolved)
  • Bug 1192180 - [Contacts]It can't enter contact details page. 2.5 Regression or better, extra feature.
  • Bug 1183645 - Performance regression in Contacts
  • Bug 1201419 - [NFC] Unable to share contact via NFC
  • Bug 1201052 - After updating a contact the statusbar turns from blue to grey
  • Bug 1202217 - [Contacts]Merge contact B to contact A, but the contact B is also displayed.

Other bugs to pay attention

other non-blocking bugs related to import functionality

  • Bug 1152237 - [Flame][Message]Device will enter contacts list page when you tap the .vcf (without name and last name) to view
  • Bug 1124095 - Incorrect message when receiving contacts via Bluetooth

Issues found when landing our work but other FxOS teams have to fix

  • Bug 1188350 - When opening a URL with, the title is not set properly. Set as 2.5+
    • Issue found by Borja in system frontend that can be reproduced in master and specially when applying the patch in Bug 1182509 - [Contacts][NGA] Open contacts_matching with
  • Bug 1184953 - [Web Components] Document's element registry is not persisted in the BF Cache
    • Bug ssue detected when working in Bug 1183727 - [Contacts][NGA] Create #update view and connect it to #open within Contacts App
  • Bug 1190775 - [System] If an activity perform a, the popup will be unresponsive (Resolved by Etienne)
    • Issue detected in System (window management) due to works within the app, but not in the Activity contacts (actually it's not responsive). It has raised after landing Bug 1182509 - [Contacts][NGA] Open contacts_matching with
  • Bug 1190805 - Support <link rel="prerender" href="foo.html"> for B2G/Gaia
    • Vivien has created a PoC about Navigation in System. It would be the same library done by Manu, but applied to all apps so if it finally lands we would avoid applying the navigation to each specific isolated view in Contacts.
  • Bug 1191288 - Broken UI in Contacts matching screen
    • It's due to Bug 1168951 - [User Story] Pin Page, so System FE team should take care of it.
  • Bug 1198522 - Long pressing on an image in edit mode will bring up a menu that does not function.
  • Bug 1202359[Contacts]Tap the check box(small rectangular box) in "Duplicates Found" view for once, actually it performed double taps.
    • It seems similar to the already resolved by Etienne Bug 1190775 - [System] If an activity perform a, the popup will be unresponsive. NI to Etienne for more info.

Daily meetings

Issues during the sprint

  • Separation in views is also at risk for 2.5 as it seems that the pre-rendering proposal made by Vivien is not going to be landed in System. Platform team have another ideas about how implementing it but they don't have enough time to do it in 2.5 as they are focused on landing SWs in Desktop and Android. Several proposals are being handled but no decision has been made yet.
    • For the time being, we have been asked to not continue landing view separation for settings, list and the overlay.It seems that we have to be ready to not to have the navigation in separated views (possible rollback of #open and #update views in case the pre-rendering is not in time for 2.5)
    • Content wrapper has also been suggested as a navigation alternative but it won't be the panacea, gecko has problems loading several documents at the same time. We can perform tests to avoid to do everything at the same time (just like prerendering does), but that's not related to sw or prerendering. Besides it implies more work, view separation + content wrapper and there are doubts about the memory consumption:
      • No prerendering support in the platform and mocking it at the app level could imply memory problems. With platform support, we don't prerender anything if we have not enough memory. But we can't emulate that on the app side as we have no idea of the current memory consumption. So we will always be prerendering the next screen no matter what memory we have.
    • Gecko team requested a profiling of the navigation problem (e.g. white flash when moving from a document to another document) so they can be aware of them and try to find an easier fix. Borja and Julien will work on it.
      • Julien has created the bug and has added the profiling info Bug 1199674 , Platform team is looking at it to see if to see why we're slow at changing pages and if a patch could replace the use of the pre-rendering.
    • When Francisco comes back next week from his holidays and Bug 1199674 is investigated, it will be decided what to do.



Actions taken from last sprint

Things that went well

Things that went not that well

Actions for this sprint (apart of the Sprint Objectives)