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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1022706)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
994553 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message 1.4+ No cf_feature-b2g [p=2] FIXED
1012663 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][p=1] FIXED
1015867 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] The editable composer should take more space 2.0+ No cf_feature-b2g [sprint2 p=2][sprint3 p=1] FIXED
1016897 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft. .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view. 1.4+ No cf_feature-b2g bamboo[p=1] FIXED
1025552 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Refactoring] Refactor attachment.js and specifically move rendering part to a separate module --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1] FIXED

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 8
Day 2 8
Day 3 7
Day 4 6
Day 5 4
Day 6 4
Day 7 4
Day 8 3
Day 9 4
Day 10 3

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (blocks the sprint bug 1022706 with whiteboard "not-part-of-initial-sprint")

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
925404 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known --- No cf_feature-b2g burirun2, burirun3, [lang=js][lang=css][p=2][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1008127 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer --- No cf_feature-b2g [sprint2 p=3][sprint3 p=2][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1013296 Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) Compose. Change send button to an paper plane icon --- No cf_feature-b2g [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1018035 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Flame][v1.4][SMS]No cursor display when tap the message edit box. 1.4+ No cf_feature-b2g torch, [not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1022096 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] sms text truncated in delete messages mode 2.0+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.0-FL-bug-bash][not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1024978 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Activity Handler tests are failing with newer mocha --- No cf_feature-b2g [not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED
1026528 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Corrupted attachments do not display correctly 2.0+ No cf_feature-b2g [not-part-of-initial-sprint] FIXED

7 Total; 7 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
925404 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known --- --- FIXED
974867 Naoya Matsumoto [MMS]Auto suggestion for email address --- --- FIXED
994553 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message 1.4+ --- FIXED
1005866 Fernando Campo (:fcampo) [Messages] Confirmation button when deleting messages and threads should be in Red and say "Delete" - --- FIXED
1012663 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance --- --- FIXED
1015867 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] The editable composer should take more space 2.0+ --- FIXED
1016897 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft. .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view. 1.4+ --- FIXED
1018035 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Flame][v1.4][SMS]No cursor display when tap the message edit box. 1.4+ --- FIXED
1019359 Paco Rampas [:paco] [Sora][Message] The "slecet all/deselect all"still can use when it display as grey. 1.4+ --- FIXED
1021788 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Can't click on the suggestion list when there are a lot of recipients in the recipients panel 2.0+ --- FIXED
1021844 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Can't load the application in Firefox --- --- FIXED
1022096 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] sms text truncated in delete messages mode 2.0+ --- FIXED
1022706 [meta] SMS subteam sprint 3 --- --- INCOMPLETE
1024978 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Activity Handler tests are failing with newer mocha --- --- FIXED
1026528 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Corrupted attachments do not display correctly 2.0+ --- FIXED
1026671 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Header Font in Messages App Does Not Center Align --- --- WORKSFORME

16 Total; 16 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 11th June


  • bug 1016897 - [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view.
    • Patch given. just clear the draft while leaving the unchanged draft and seems work without regression.
  • bug 994553 - [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message
    • Will try to store the url in dataset and revoke while deletion as agreed in the sprint planing
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR. Got dependency with subject VR and DSDS VR. No progress, wait for other blocker
    • bug 963043: partner's multiple contacts patch. Still r- because lack of unit test
    • bug 1015867: The dynamic height of composer might cause subject field unable to click(some issue in subheader, need to verify whether we should also fix it in the same bug).



  • no code work on bugs yesterday (for comms)
  • some reviews (accessibility patch notably)
  • bug triage and testing (we had a lot of them lately, I try to triage them as soon as they arrive :) ) Thanks to Steve for spotting my wrong comments ;)


  • some more left reviews
  • will resume working on my bug on the composer max height


  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Reviewed Pavel's patch once again, asked to fix issues that still arise; Current PR is still not ready for code review;
    • Pavel ni?'ed Vicky to confirm subject handling spec.
  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Discussed the issue with Julien and possible refactoring of "render" method in attachment.js;
    • Have quick&dirty patch to see how removed inline styles improves CSP compliance in SMS app. Today will make it cleaner, probably using Julien's suggestion on "AttachmentRenderer".

Still have problems with very slow internet, waiting technician to come today. Will miss today's comms meeting because of that.

Today: will work with Pavel on subject handling and CSP compliance bug.

Day 3: 12th June


  • bug 1016897 - [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view.
    • Patch landed
  • bug 994553 - [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message
    • Patch given, it revoke the url when element deleted. Hope it works
  • bug 1021788 - [Messages] Can't click on the suggestion list when there are a lot of recipients in the recipients panel
    • Patch given
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR. Got dependency with subject VR and DSDS VR. No progress, wait for other blocker
    • bug 963043: No update
    • bug 1015867: Since we know the root cause and bug 1021788 is tracking it, we can keep the review moving forward and land it today.


  • Wait for review
  • Take other blocker or triage other bugs if nothing really blocked
  • Review bug 1015867
  • Take a look for haida plaining


  • mostly reviews:
    • bug 974867 for email suggestion and bug 997547 for send mms by email activity; I requested to put this behind a flag while it's not finished, because landing one of these patches only will break things
    • other minor things
  • add a look on my remaining bug for the sprint bug 1015867 for the composer length
    • we agreed with Steve that the remaining issue was actually already filed in a separate bug and unrelated
  • so should land today and unblock other work \o/
  • add a look to some other blockers, requested information:
    • bug 1020653: no vibration when receiving a message in some situation. The regression window doesn't help much, so I'll investigate more today
    • bug 1022755 reported by Etienne, navigation issue and I saw it myself, but it's not really 100% reproducible for me yet, I'll ask Etienne today
  • still some bug triage



  • some more left reviews (my goal is to have one less review left when I leave work :) )
  • want to at last look to the datastore etherpad


  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Pinged Pavel once again as it looks like PR is rebased incorrectly + still waiting ni? from Vicky.
  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Refactoring of attachment.js render method took a bit more time than I expected :) Still working on it + updating related unit tests. Should finish with it today and send for review.
  • Other: My internet is finally fixed! :)

Today: will be finishing with patch for bug 1012663 and, yes, will take a look at haida etherpad, that sounds quite interesting. Also was planning to look at regression as my commits are in regression window push log bug 1018035 - [Flame][v1.4][SMS]No cursor display when tap the message edit box.

Julien have you already looked into it?
(Julien) yep, couldn't reproduce yet but I didn't use the correct STR. I can continue investigating on my side today and if you're free tomorrow you can possibly steal it :)
(Oleg) Ok!

Day 4: 13th June


  • bug 994553 - [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message
    • Reviewing, will reply the concern of using the mutation observer
    • (Julien) it's only a suggestion so tell me what you prefer
  • bug 1021788 - [Messages] Can't click on the suggestion list when there are a lot of recipients in the recipients panel
    • Reviewing, I could agree that set height to 0
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR. Got dependency with subject VR and DSDS VR. No progress, wait for other blocker
    • bug 963043: No update
    • bug 1015867: Suggestion given and it should be landed today. (Julien) it is ;)
    • bug 1005866: Just saw a failed test. So it need another review...
  • Give some idea for haida plaining


  • Take other blocker or triage other bugs if nothing really blocked
  • Take a look for haida plaining


  • some reviews, nothing much to say here
    • bug 1004973: rewrite mock_l10n by the l10n team, I gave my advice there. They want to be very strict and I don't think it's useful here.
  • landed bug 1015867 for the composer length!
  • bug 1020653: no vibration when receiving a message in some situation
    • the vibration+sound is done by System when we send a notification, so I redirected this to the System team
  • bug 1018035: the cursor is not shown when we use an activity to launch messages
    • I found the issue but I think there is also a Gecko bug
    • need to update unit tests for the work around, and I'l ltry to reproduce the Gecko bug in Firefox to file another bug for Gecko
  • found an issue in the tests for activity_handler when testing with the new mocha, I think it's related to our use of Promise, will have a look in the subway :) \o/
  • investigated bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • I found it's an issue in building blocks that's been fixed by the refresh
    • so I did a small patch for v1.4 for SMS only, but I requested 1.4? to see if we can't do a building blocks patch instead.



  • bug 1018035: unit tests and do a testcase for a gecko bug
  • moar reviews


  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Refactored attachment.js and asked for review. I've divided PR into two separate commits: one deals with CSP issue and the second one the refactoring itself, but it looks it'd be better to split it into two separate PR\bugs.
  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known.
    • Rebased it on the latest master and started to test.
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Played with the latest PR from Pavel, still need to get ni? from Vicky, will ping her additionally today.


  • Navigated through haida related info\bugs for other teams too, to better understand haida in general, what goals it has, what benefits it's going to provide.

Today: will work on bug 925404 + handle review comments for bug 1012663 patch.

Day 5: 16th June


  • bug 994553 - [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message
    • Landed with some small experiment about mutation observer
  • bug 1021788 - [Messages] Can't click on the suggestion list when there are a lot of recipients in the recipients panel
    • Landed
  • bug 1022644 - [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients
    • Taken and start investigate today(since it's easy to reproduce and break the multi-line recipient mode). Gesture detection works fine. Seems like some problem in recipient module that didn't initialize properly(view.dims).
  • bug reviewing:


  • Fix bug 1022644
  • Take other blocker or triage other bugs if nothing really blocked
  • Clean the review queue


  • bug 1018035: the cursor is not shown when we use an activity to launch messages
    • couldn't find a reduced testcase to file a Gecko bug :(
    • in review
    • found bug 1025169 while testing, but may be already fixed by alive
  • bug 1024978: issue in the tests for activity_handler:
    • in review
    • because of the use of Promise we did not wait in setup that the promise is resolved
  • investigated bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • waiting for v1.4 triage decision
  • reviewed the "send mms by email" patch again
    • will be behind a flag


  • wait for review ;)
  • pick new blockers
  • work on haida + datastore etherpads


  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Finished and sent for review (in review). The only open question is how to escape\sanitize\protect from malicious content in dataURL. Left my thoughts at GitHub.
      (Julien) you forgot to put the r? flag
      (Oleg) no, waiting for reply at github on dataUrl escaping question
      (Julien) ok, will look at it soon then :)
      (Oleg) Thanks!
  • bug 1025552 - [Messages][Refactoring] Refactor attachment.js and specifically move rendering part to a separate module
    • As agreed, divided PR for bug 1012663 into two separate bugs, so this one is for refactoring only (in review).
    • Open questions after review round#1: dataURL escaping and how suggested AttachmentRenderer.for is supposed to be implemented :)
    • Messed up commit hash, so review discussion is not visible in the latest PR, but left link to the original discussion with my answers, sorry Julien :(
  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known.
    • Finished, tested and asked for review (in review).
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Pavel is going to rewrite current patch as master has changed significantly, hopefully it will be done today.
    • Will adapt my JS patch according to his needs. Now just extracted Pavel's old commit from PR.

Today: will make reviews + handle review comments, no more new bugs :) I'm set up :)

Day 6: 17th June

Steve was absent today.


  • Landing frenzy:
    • bug 1022096 - [Messages] sms text truncated in delete messages mode: fixed and landed; only remaining question is: why isn't this in the building blocks?
    • bug 1018035 - No caret when starting a message from Contacts: still weird issue in how contenteditable elements behave
    • bug 1024978 - [Messages] Activity Handler tests are failing with newer mocha: unit test fix, that should be intermittent with current mocha but is permafail with the newer mocha
  • investigated bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • still waiting for v1.4 triage decision
  • reviewed the "send mms by email" patch again
    • latest patch was monstruous (lots of copy/paste)
    • I've seen there is a newer patch, will look at it today
    • other "send by email" patches will probably need Oleg or Steve next week


  • worked on unit tests in other apps so that we can finally upgrade mocha (Bug
  • I had only "5" requests left !


  • review the CSP patches from Oleg
  • work on haida + datastore etherpads
    • when I come back from holiday, we need to have a "release planning" or something, to decide which bugs we'll do in which sprints.
  • I want 1 or 2 requests left less.
  • demos :)
  • possibly new blockers?


  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Wrapped URLs that directly assigned to the DOM properties into encodeURI + added appropriate unit tests (in review).
  • bug 1025552 - [Messages][Refactoring] Refactor attachment.js and specifically move rendering part to a separate module
    • Rebased on the latest patch from bug 1012663 + added AttachmentRenderer.for factory method + updates in the unit tests (in review).
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Worked with Pavel to test his new patch, still needs work (in progress).
  • bug 1018035 - [Flame][v1.4][SMS]No cursor display when tap the message edit box.
    • Reviewed (landed). We need Demo here :)
  • bug 1024978 - [Messages] Activity Handler tests are failing with newer mocha.
    • Reviewed (landed).
    -> Julien, why do not you add these bugs to the current sprint with label [not-part-of-the-sprint]?
    -> (Julien) I'm still not sure about this ;) but I'll do it.
  • bug 1022096 - [Messages] sms text truncated in delete messages mode.
    • Reviewed (landed). We need Demo here as well :)


  • handle review comments;
  • collaborate more tightly with Pavel on subject handling bug;
  • haida etherpad.

Day 7: 18th June


  • bug 1022644 - [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients
    • Created a patch that remove the recipient dims property since we don't need it any more and it will break list mode checking.
      (Julien) I'll talk to you about this on IRC later today.
  • bug 1023190 - [Flame][v1.4][Gaia::SMS] There is a horizontal line on “SIM1/2” word and "..." under “Send” word in the message send button when set a SIM card as default outgoing message.
    • Create a css fix patch
  • bug 1022755 - Possible race in the SMS navigation code
    • Sounds serious issue, might take some time on it when I have free cycle
      (Julien) I couldn't reproduce when I tried myself but I know I see it sometimes, so I wanted to ask etienne for more information because he reproeduces 100%. Will at least add this information to the bug.
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR. Got dependency with subject VR and DSDS VR. No progress, wait for other blocker
    • bug 963043: No update
    • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known: Wondering whether we should have a or reuse the Utils.getPhoneDetails for contact details markup
      (Oleg) we can discuss it on IRC today if you want


  • Land bug 1022644 & bug 1023190
  • Take other blocker or triage other bugs if nothing really blocked
    (Julien) you can take a look to the nominated bugs too
    (Sure I'll do that)
  • Clean the review queue


  • bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • still waiting for v1.4 triage decision even if I know there have been a 1.4 triage. Don't know what's going on, gonna ping relman.
  • reviewed the "send mms by email" patch again again (again!) ->This patch is becoming famous :)
    • new patch much better, but still needs work in unit tests.
    • other "send by email" patches will probably need Oleg or Steve next week
  • reviewed the simple CSP patch from Oleg (bug 1012663). Took more time than expected because I found other issues in the process:
    • notably bug 1026528 about corrupted images that are not properly shown
    • but also I found that the reference workload has corrupted images now... so maybe we have a migration issue in the Gecko DB :/ Will need to investigate more today


  • added demos for the fixed bugs
  • investigated an issue with Alexandre Lissy and janx where sending a SMS fails => Alexandre filed bug 1026526


  • work on haida + datastore etherpads (yes, again, I didn't have time yet :/)
  • possibly new blockers? Especially bug 1022755 about a race in the navigation, I want to ask more information to Etienne.


  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Fixed small nit (checkin-needed).
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • No progress :( Looks like Pavel was OOO yesterday
      (Julien) Do you think it would be faster if you steal the bug from him (after discussing with him obviously) ?
      (Oleg) I think yes, will talk to him today and see what he thinks
      (Julien) this is the biggest piece of refresh that's missing...
      (Oleg) Yeah, that is why I'm wondering too
  • bug 1026528 - [Messages] Corrupted attachments do not display correctly
    • Prepared patch for it and asked for review (in review).
  • bug 898364 - Moving conversation thread database from Gecko to Gaia by introducing DataStore API
    • Resumed work on this in background, adding datastore test page.


  • Went through Haida etherpad, left my comments.


  • will find the commit that broke "corrupted" attachment styling.
    (Julien) not sure this is necessary if you have a patch already, just move forward with more useful tasks :)
    (Oleg) just check patch with updated thumbnails, I thought I verfied this corrupted case :)
  • handle review comments;
  • collaborate more tightly with Pavel on subject handling bug (hope he'll be available today);

Day 8: 19th June

Oleg is absent because today is a german holiday.


  • bug 1022644 - [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients
    • No update yet. Will ni? on bugzilla
      (Julien) yes, sorry, I kept the mail but I didn't look at it yesterday :(
  • bug 1023190 - [Flame][v1.4][Gaia::SMS] There is a horizontal line on “SIM1/2” word and "..." under “Send” word in the message send button when set a SIM card as default outgoing message.
    • Spend some time to discuss with graphics team. I made some small experiment for it. Seems like a rounding issue and I might create a template for the simplified composer if necessary(Only button with same image could not reproduce it :-/)
      (Julien) Yes, I think you're right about the rounding issue. But it should not produce this effect. I'll try to do a simplified testcase (only the same button, same background image in a HTML page) unless you want to do it?
  • bug 1022755 - Possible race in the SMS navigation code
    • I can reproduce it 'once' on fugu. Will try to add some log in transitionend for more details
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 1013296: Send button VR. Got dependency with subject VR and DSDS VR. No progress, wait for other blocker
    • bug 963043: No update
    • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known: 1st round finished and will review again for 2nd patch


Tomorrow: I'll be absent


  • bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • v1.4+ was given, asked Arnau if he want to do the patch
  • reviewed the "send mms by email" patch again again (again!)
    • still needs work in unit tests.
  • reviewed other "send mms by email" patches: pick email in contact (bug 974864) and send mms by email acivity (bug 997547)
    • smaller in SMS app than in Contacts app, but still need some work
    • will probably need Oleg or Steve next week
  • reviewed the attachment renderer refactoring patch from Oleg (bug 1025552).
    • looks good but needs a little more work
  • looked at the navigation race with etienne (bug 1022755)
    • added a comment
    • I don't mind if somebody else takes the bug though
  • updated the Haida etherpad


  • worked on making travis faster, but not much improvement so far
  • tomorrow I need to go out right at the time of standup, I will update the etherpad before this, and I'll be back after the standup.


  • looking to datastore etherpads

Day 9: 20th June

Steve is absent today.


  • bug 1022644 - [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients
    • Feedback+, but it might need to uplift to 1.4 or even 1.3t
  • bug 1023190 - [Flame][v1.4][Gaia::SMS] There is a horizontal line on “SIM1/2” word and "..." under “Send” word in the message send button when set a SIM card as default outgoing message.
    • Should be graphics issue I create a quick workaround here and also provide a test case for graphics team for further investigation.
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known: 2nd round feedback given


  • Absent for personal matter, but I'll still reply bugzilla in limited time


  • bug 1019359: when the "select/deselect" buttons in the edit mode are disabled, sometimes we can touch what's around.
    • landed thanks to Paco
  • reviewed the "send mms by email" patch again again (again!)
    • another patch has been given today, will have a look today. I hope it will be finished otherwise one of you will need to finish :(
  • updated the Haida and datastore etherpads
    • started working on subtasks
    • we need to have tasks that fit one sprint or less (even if that's only part of a full patch)
  • bug 1023190: there is a line at the edge of a background image
    • remembered I filed the bug 982712 with a testcase a long time ago and so I'm a little sad here
    • we have a workaround if graphics/layout can't move forward


  • worked on making travis faster, but not much improvement so far


  • will prepare the sprint 4 pages so that you have less work to do next week
  • will roughly estimate things for Wilfred
  • will try to keep my "request" list as low as possible


  • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known
    • Fixed review round #1 comments, started to deal with review round #2.
  • bug 1026528 - [Messages] Corrupted attachments do not display correctly
    • Landed.
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Worked with Pavel, he wants to finish this patch for himself. Tested his latest patch, it's ok for subject handling part, but seems broke composer "flexibility".


  • Updated DS etherpad.

Today: will look into intermittent Try fails because of my CSP patch + handle review comments for bug 925404 and attachment refactoring patch.

Day 10: 23th June


  • bug 1022644 - [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients
    • Feedback+, nominate to 1.3t. Need more test for the patch
  • bug 1023190 - [Flame][v1.4][Gaia::SMS] There is a horizontal line on “SIM1/2” word and "..." under “Send” word in the message send button when set a SIM card as default outgoing message.
    • Unassigned myself since this issue belongs to graphics team, but the workaround patch might still needed because they have no more resource on it right now.
  • bug reviewing:
    • bug 925404 - [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known: I think it's pretty close.
    • bug 1025552 - Refactoring for attachment rendering: No serious issue discovered right now, maybe we can land for this sprint.


  • Try to clean(or reduce) the review queue
  • Update patch in bug 1022644


  • bug 1012663 - [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance
    • Investigated intermittent failures with CSP patch. Rerun gaia unit tests ~10 times at the reported Try push and at the new one with my patch - no any failures. After discussion with reporter on IRC, I've relanded this patch once again as it doesn't seem to be a reason for the intermittent test fails (landed).
  • bug 1008127 - [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer
    • Found more or less acceptable way to fulfil VR requirements without big modifications in the layout so that we won't have regressions as we had with the latest patch (not so flexible message input, problems with localized Send button). It involves a bit of JS, i.e. I add 'multiline-subject' class to the form once we have several lines in subject, that's the only case that we can't cover with CSS only. Will talk to Pavel today (in review).
  • bug 1025552 - [Messages][Refactoring] Refactor attachment.js and specifically move rendering part to a separate module
    • Fixed review round #2 comments (in review).
  • bug 1027636 - [Messages] fix vcf media load in the mobile messaging mock
    • Reviewed (landed).


  • Added demos to the Sprint Demo page for the landed patches.

Today: handle review comments for bugs in review + will look into the list of the bugs for the next sprint.


bug 1015867: Make the composer really flexible

bug 1022096: The threads are not properly truncated in edit mode

bug 1005866: Confirmation button when deleting messages and threads should be in Red and say "Delete"

bug 1012663: Remove inline style for CSP compliance

With enabled CSP compliance mode.

bug 1026528: Corrupted attachments do not display correctly

bug 925404: Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known


Previous sprint's actions

  • invite all people that work on SMS to daily meetings (this time, we were missing Pavel, Marina) => It seems we didn't make it...

->(Oleg) Yep, but I'm trying to ask Pavel to join estimation of subject handling bug :)

  • better identify that bugs will target the same area (eg: composer bugs); ideally we need to span them on several sprints, so we need to identify well in advance

(Steve) Let's leave it till creating the bugs for haidification. We are still solving the blocker in last sprint.

  • workweeks:
    • should be at the beginning of the cycle
    • more detailed agenda: meetings planned well ahead, better agenda for each meeting
    • Reduce the velocity while workweek

What was good in the last sprint

  • We fixed many bugs that not in the initial of the plaining.

What was bad in the last sprint

  • Didn't make all planned work :( What did you mean? I mean we still have bugs planned for the sprint that was not resolved (eg. subject handling)
  • This evaluation seems not works very well at this stage(Some important issues are not in the part of plan, how could we measure these efforts at the end of the sprint?)

(Oleg)-> Do you mean bugs marked as [not-part-of-initial-sprint]? yes, should we give the points to them to measure the total efforts we made in this sprint? I believe, yes, we should. At least for me those bugs took most of the time allocated for the sprint. Also after planning I had only one bug with p=1 assigned to me, so it was obvious that I'd need to work on other bugs, so we can determine that short list of bugs at planning and probably estimate it too. What do you think? I think there still some bugs that even not exist at the beginning of the sprint... And it's really an effort to estimate all the possible items at first. Yeah, I just mean some short list of most obvious candidates (like the best sprint case), probably ~ 3 bugs or something. It's not required if everybody feels he's totally set up.ok for me, maybe we could set all the blockers at first(it shouldn't be too many :p) Agree But how about the bugs comes after plaining? Mm, ideally only entire team can estimate it. Or we raise these new blocker at the scrum, if the issue is important, we can decide to put it in this sprint and set point to it. Yeah, I think daily standups are perfect for this, and it shouldn't take too much time. And everybody will be aware why this or another bug is included in sprint. I'll put that to action item

Any questions


  • New blocker which is taken by the developers should be reported in the scrum and estimate the point.

Grades (5 is very good, 1 is very bad):

Product Performance (Oleg) pp= 3 (Steve) pp= 3 (Julien) pp=

Product Quality (Oleg) pq=3 (Steve) pq= 3 (Julien) pq=

Commited tasks vs Completed tasks (Oleg) t= 3 (Steve) t= 3 (Julien) t=

Code Quality (inverse of Technical Debt) (Oleg) cq= 3 (Steve) cq= 3 (Julien) cq=

External contribution (?) (Oleg) ec= 0 (Steve) ec= 0 (Julien) ec=