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If you have a Settings patch, Please set review to following maintainers:

  • :gasolin
  • :yzen

Design Specs

For the latest UX specifications, please visit Box or Dropbox

Bluetooth related specs and plan are tracked in

v2.6 Roadmap

  • Features:
  • Change:
    • Bug 1182837 - [meta] the Settings menu list is too long
  • Architecture:
    • remove Bluetooth v1 API (DONE)
    • GIP to GIJ Integration Test Conversion (DONE)
  • UX improving work:

2.6 Features Dashboard

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

2.6 Blocker Dashboard

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

2.6 Nomination Dashboard

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

v2.5 Roadmap

Setting 2.5 changes mindmap (from Feb to Nov)

  • Features
    • New Home Screens manager bug 1180666 (DONE)
    • New Security/Permission related Panels bug 1207717
      • Tracking Protection
    • Firefox Sync configuration panel bug 1168185 (DONE)
    • Support options for building settings app on various form factors.
  • Change:
    • User can only switch MTP/UMS when USB disabled bug 1194045 (DONE)
    • Bug 1166495 - [Settings][Screen lock] Passcode lock screen transition animation flows in the wrong direction (DONE)
  • Move subpanel styles from settings.css to app.css
  • Move all rootpanel handler to panels/root
  • Architecture:
    • CSS refactor with web components (gaia-checkbox, gaia-ratio, gaia-switch) and clean related CSS (DONE)
    • Update Settings to be ready for L10n API v3 - bug 1187668 (DONE)
    • Bluetooth API v2.0 panel refactor - bug 1074075 (DONE)
    • Bluetooth API v2.0 system - bug 1072721 (DONE)
    • Bluetooth APP AMD (DONE)
    • Panel refactor - bug 973432
  • UX improving work
    • improve user satisfaction by addressing foxfooding requests
    • revisit specs and implement remaining UX inconsistencies
      • Bug 1088450 - improving Bluetooth transfer messages (DONE)
    • identify good first bugs & backlogs

2.5 Features Dashboard

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

2.5 Nomination Dashboard

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

v2.2 Roadmap

  • Visual/UX:
    • Building block refresh
    • Consistency
    • Built in keyboard settings refinement (style)
    • Ringtone picker (style)
    • Toggle + description UI style
    • Cap letter for titles - bug 1073341
    • Cellular & Data settings UX refinement
    • Wifi API and UX refinement
  • Peripheral:
    • GATT client/server demo app (blocked by Bluetooth API v2.0)

Use Cases

  • In general, Tom is familiar with "settings" so he knows he should be able to set his preferences for many basic functions
  • Because B2G's settings are broken out into categories, it's easy for Tom to find what he needs to change
  • Tom has the ability to tweak the following categories (names are just examples):
    • Device settings
    • Network settings
    • System settings
    • User account settings
  • Tom's Persona account stores all of his data in the Mozilla cloud - his phone is 'smart' and stores the most important data:
    • Contacts
    • Apps (Core + 3rd party)
      • Email settings
      • Calendar settings
      • SMS DB
      • Photos
      • Browser settings/data
    • Phone settings
    • Permissions (per app/client)
    • Browser data


Gaia v1

  • Device settings
    • Sounds
    • Display/Brightness
    • Wallpaper
    • Storage/Usage
    • Apps (Core + 3rd party)
  • Network settings
    • WiFi
    • Bluetooth
    • GPS/a-GPS (3rd party service needed)
    • Data usage
    • Airplane mode
    • Mobile settings
      • Connected Network
      • Roaming
      • APN
      • 3G/EDGE toggle option
      • IMEI/MAC address/ICCID
  • System settings
    • Date and Time
    • Keyboard
    • Notifications
    • International
    • Debug mode/Performance data
    • About
  • User account settings
    • Persona account
    • Security
    • Permissions
    • Cloud storage/restore
  • Persona Cloud storage
    • Apps in the cloud
    • Contacts in the cloud

Gaia v2

  • Accessibility (vision + hearing)
  • NFC
  • Persona Cloud storage
    • Email settings
    • Calendar settings
    • SMS DB
    • Photos
    • Browser settings/data
    • Phone settings
    • Permissions (per app/client)
    • Browser data

Security Review

The security review of this app can be found here.