HTMLCourse Basic

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Intro classes on Web concepts such as HTML basics, CSS and JavaScript with hands-on tutorials and examples.

This course has been designed as a 6 week class, 2 hours per week. The class takes place at the Mozilla Mountain View office but with remote attendees welcome and encouraged. We will use IRC and EtherpPad to keep remote attendees engaged in the course work and able to participate fully.

Courses Offered

April 28 - June 9, 2011


  • Thursdays, 3pm-5pm PT in R2D2/C3P0 (second floor) Mountain View office
  • 6 classes, April 28th - June 9th (If the majority of attendees are people from Engagement, we'll skip their offsite week.)
  • Teacher: Robyn Overstreet
  • Assistant: Lukas Blakk
  • You can attend remotely using IRC and EtherPad, instructions will be posted closer to the course start for how to participate and where to locate materials. Also if we can arrange a video dial in, we will.
  • All skill levels welcome. We will be starting out with basic HTML and advancing to some basic JavaScript projects.
  • The last class will be an opportunity to bring something you're working on to get help if needed, or just to work on it and add in new things you've learned in the class.

Sign Up

Class size will be limited to 25.

If you feel confident enough in the concepts of how web pages work the first class can be skipped but please let us know if you plan to do this. We would really like people to commit to attending all the classes (in person or remotely), since spots are limited. Please add yourself to the list below:

  1. John Slater
  2. Chrissie Brodigan
  3. Winston Bowden
  4. Caitlin Looney
  5. Matej Novak (Toronto)
  6. Mary Colvig (WOOOOOHOOOO!)
  7. William R
  8. Asa Dotzler
  9. Laura Forrest
  10. Shappy (Melissa)
  11. Lee Tom
  12. Tara Shahian
  13. EJ
  14. Mitchell Baker
  15. Janet Swisher (remote)
  16. Shannon Prior
  17. Jill Alvarez
  18. Jennifer Boriss
  19. Yancy Rivera - Sorry, I thought I was going to be able to make this but I'm too busy. If someone wants this slot please take it.
  20. Julie Deroche
  21. Cameron Dawson
  22. Bree Watson
  23. John Hopkins
  24. Geo Mealer
  25. Tony Chung

Waiting List

We will let you know if anyone cancels.

  1. Christopher Jung
  2. Saptarshi Guha
  3. Thomas Arend
  4. Sheila Mooney
  5. Erica McClure
  6. Laura Mesa
  7. Jinghua Zhang
  8. Julie Choi
  9. Brian Dils
  10. Gary Kovacs
  11. Mike Alexis

Interested in Future Classes

Please indicate your time zone as well.

  1. Thomas Arend (would be interest in advanced class)
  2. rbillings (MV)
  3. Sheila Mooney (MV)
  4. Laura Mesa (MV)
  5. Chelsea Novak (Toronto)
  6. Luciana Viana (MV)
  7. Al Billings (MV)
  8. Julie Choi (MV)
  9. Matt Evans (MV)
  10. Brian Dils (MV/SF)
  11. Delphine Lebédel (Paris)
  12. Patrick Finch (Sweden, PT +9)
  13. Dave Lawrence (NC)
  14. Jay Patel (MV)
  15. Nuno Moreira (Portugal GMT)
  16. Hilary Hall (Toronto)
  17. Yancy Rivera (MV)
  18. Eljon Balangue (MV, Are there other awesome classes too?)