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B2G Weekly Meeting

  • Date: 2016-07-05
  • Host: Ben Francis
  • Notes copied to the wiki each week B2G/Meeting
  • Meeting time: Tuesday, 9am Pacific


  • CedC
  • Enrico
  • Jovan
  • Lapineige
  • Benjamin Francis
  • Brian King


Status Updates

Code Transition

Work on merge of pine into mozilla-central has started

Good response for call for Adopt an app

  • 10 contributors, on: Dialer, Camera, Cost Control, SMS, Calendar, Clock, FM radio


  • Nexus 5 build is available on B2G Installer
  • Flame build updated a few days ago (Thx Jovan ;))
  • Work on Fairphone 2 still on going



Italian Translation still affected by the bug bug 1279908 Anyone please fix it. Still need to convert the wiki to the "post-transition" phase



Call for contribution

  • Spanish translation done
  • Hindi,Swedish, Persian ongoing



Smart TV


Round Table

It's a bit soon, but I think it's good to start thinking about it: how to manage feature request/proposals ? Who decide what to do ? The module owner ?

  • In the absense of Product Manager, yes the module owner

"platform" to submit proposal/request ? Maybe investigate other tools (e.g. GetSatisfaction)

  • Lapineige will take a look
  • Include Discourse?

Votes ?

  • Not the best way to make decisions but useful tool for getting feedback
  • Shouldn't do a poll if we can't implement the feature

Some successful tests on Telegram-IRC bridge

  • Have solution for flooding limit

Communications on transition

  • Should consider sending something out soon

Note that 25th July is B2G's 5th Birthday!

  • Let's take the opportunity for a celebration and some communications
  • Have to be careful with our messaging
  • Take into account status of Tablet and SmartTV projects
  • Define clearly defined roles and responsibilities of where we need help (though with volunteer roles, we have to be careful they don't look like job descriptions!)
  • A plan or timeline of what we're planning - roadmap to 3.0 alpha?
  • List of features we need for an Alpha release?

Need a FoxFooding branch?

  • Once pine merges do we need a stable branch we can keep in a good state for FoxFooding?