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BrowserID Addon
Stage Draft
Status In progress
Release target Beta in Q4
Health OK
Status note `


Product manager Dan Mills
Directly Responsible Individual `
Lead engineer Shane Tomlinson
Security lead Yvan Boily
Privacy lead Sid Stamm
Localization lead `
Accessibility lead `
QA lead James Bonacci
UX lead Alex Faaborg
Product marketing lead `
Operations lead `
Additional members Ben Adida, Lloyd Hilaiel, Dietrich Ayala, Myk Melez

Open issues/risks

  • GitHub Issues - GitHub Issues
  • Jetpack based addon bundled with Firefox has not been done before.
  • Jetpack based addons may cause performance penalty.
  • End to end security review needs done on site, addon, and Jetpack.
  • l10n needs to happen on on both the site and addon.
  • Content in URL bar being driven by content instead of the user or browser.
  • Need to address accessibility concerns

Stage 1: Definition

1. Feature overview

The BrowserID addon is a Jetpack based addon that will be bundled with Firefox to provide an in-browser experience for using BrowserID as well as showing user's authentication status in the browser URL bar for sites that support the Sessions API Sessions API

2. Users & use cases

All Firefox users who use BrowserID. This addon provides an in-browser experience for using BrowserID, making phishing and spoofing of the BrowserID site much more difficult.

3. Dependencies

4. Requirements



Stage 2: Design

5. Functional specification

6. User experience design

Faaborg's Mockups Faaborg's Account Sign In mocks

Stage 3: Planning

7. Implementation plan

8. Reviews

Security review


Privacy review


Localization review




Quality Assurance review


Operations review


Stage 4: Development

9. Implementation


Stage 5: Release

10. Landing criteria


Feature details

Priority `
Rank 999
Theme / Goal `
Roadmap `
Secondary roadmap `
Feature list `
Project `
Engineering team `

Team status notes

  status notes
Products Signing into the browser concept needs revisited to ensure it matches user expectations. `
Engineering Lots of work to be done yet. An alpha version is available on GitHub at Alpha XPI.
  • Awaiting performance report from Dietrich. Initial stats show that bundling the addon incurs a performance penalty, but further review is needed to find out what is due to Jetpack and what is due to BrowserID portion.
  • Security review is needed on portions of Jetpack that are going to be used in addon.
  • Addon needs fixed to handle opening multiple Firefox windows.
  • Quality and Security Reviews are needed on addon code.
Security sec-review-needed sstamm
Privacy ` `
Localization l10n ideas have been talked about but nothing concrete. `
Accessibility Need to make Sign Into the Browser and BrowserID portions accessible Should get Marco and David involved.
Quality assurance ` We need to start a QA and test plan.
User experience ` `
Product marketing ` `
Operations ` `