Identity/Features/Mobile Firefox Verified Email Client

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Feature Status ETA Owner
Mobile Firefox Verified Email Client UX needed TBD Dan Mills



Release Requirements

Next Steps

Open Issues

Related Bugs & Dependencies


Use Cases

First-run experience

Roy is a Firefox user, and just installed Mobile Firefox on his phone. When he opens it up, he sees a welcome screen with some tips to get started.

First, he sets up a Firefox ID. This will give him Sync support with his desktop, a very cool feature, but also it will enable him to sign into Web sites. His phone asks him to make a new account on (desktop) Firefox, so he goes over to his PC and does that there.

As part of account creation, Mozilla sends Roy an email so we can verify that he really owns it. Roy gets the email on his phone, and taps on the confirmation link, which lands him back in the browser. He completes the Sync set-up process.

Roy heads over to in look of salad recommendations, and taps the "sign in" button int he page. Mobile Firefox asks him if he'd like to disclose his email. Roy taps "ok" and the page refreshes, Roy is now signed in with Mozilla ID.


  • Users encouraged to set-up Sync and Mozilla ID on Fennec first-run
  • Sign-in flow is centered around verified email disclosure, no passwords required

Test Plans



Other Documentation

Legend (remove if you like)

  Healthy: feature is progressing as expected.
  Blocked: feature is currently blocked.
  At Risk: feature is at risk of missing its targeted release.
ETA Estimated date for completion of the current feature task. Overall ETA for the feature is the product release date.