Identity/Firefox Accounts/Meeting Notes/2016 05 12 Web

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2016-05-12: Thursday Web Coordination

Theme: Items in danger & may not make train.


Who: jrgm, vladikoff, pbooth, vbudhram, saipc, jbuck, stomlinson

From last time:

  • Travis Fx version check? (vlad)
  • Linux Fx crash in Ubuntu 14.04? (stomlinson)
    • I haven't been able to reproduce with 14.04 AMD64 against latest w/ Fx 44, running on Fx 46 now.
    • If can't get it to crash on 64 bit, will try on 32 bit.
    • jrgm to open issue, paste failing test info
  • Fennec "working" (vlad)
    • installing dev tools, will let us know when work resumes.
  • Mobile app links (stomlinson)
    • re-emailed, still no response.
    • Going to figure out who else to talk to.
    • vladikoff to ask in person next week.
  • CWTS update styling (vbudhram?)
  • stop 400 page error messages via query parameters (stomlinson)
    • Migrated to sessionCookies
    • Would like to work with Vlad to figure out how to handle page refresh.
    • stomlinson and vlad to talk about refresh.
  • Speed up relier unit tests (pb)
    • MERGED!
  • Add Mozilla contact info to all emails (stomlinson)
    • Pow-wowed with rfeeley to do a mail UX review.
    • Contact info merged.
    • More changes needed.
