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The Watchdog Project aims to help users manage their identity and privacy settings by proactively informing, warning, nudging, and helping to tweak their web experience to increase personal control. For example:

  • if a user reuses a password too often, Watchdog bring up a warning
  • if a user reuses a password between a secure banking site and an insecure social networking site, Watchdog should bring up a warning
  • if a user needs help managing their Facebook privacy preferences, Watchdog should provide assistance
  • if a web site is known to have been compromised, Watchdog should be able to warn the user about that site and other sites where the user employs the same password.

Watchdog is a series of experiments, each of which is provided as an independent add-on during experimentation.

Watchdog Components





Watchdog is developed by Paul Sawaya and Ben Adida.