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Last Week's Actions

  • roadmap needed
  • post-mortem on security bug, plus script
    • will do during work week.
  • calendar of items needed by end of quarter and who owns what.
  • QA calendar/wiki to plan Dev then Stage stability testing before Prod goes live
    • DONE see below
  • tech documentation from engagement
    • continues
  • QA: work more closely with AMO/Apps team to help with BrowserID testing - automation, etc.
    • continues

Major Progress


  • Complete removal of JSMVC and StealJS!
  • Update QUnit to the newest version, started on running front end unit tests headless using PhantomJS.
  • Extensive verifier unit tests in place
  • load generation utility updated
  • continued support of prod folks to get BrowserID landed on prod hardware.
  • IE8 support complete
  • Two big features landed in beta in 2011.11.17 - "keep me signed in" and "required email"
  • sasl-browserid staged on mozillians-dev. Django code still in code review.
  • MDN's next release has BrowserID in the sprint.
  • Working on django-browserid "Tofurkey Branch" for recent community contributions

Security & Privacy

  • 3rd party review information?
  • PRNG Bug
  • ACTION: dev team help document for 3rd-party review


  • loadtesting this week
    • to determine capacity
    • test failure modes
  • prod hardware turn-up this week
    • 1 cluster in scl2, 1 cluster in phx1
    • load balancer gear, too
  • RSBAC rollout this week


  • Actively working on Train 14: Bug 703596 - QA and deploy BrowserID train-2011.11.17 to production
    • Completed most testing on Beta environment
    • Completed all Closed/Fixed issue verification
    • Many issues were Verified
    • Many more were opened
  • Focus for this week:
    • Sanity test Beta with Firefox 8.0.1
    • Sanity test Dev environment
    • Full test of Stage environment
    • Monitor load testing in Stage
  • QA wiki for OPs build-out and test:
  • Work Week (12/5 - 12/9):
    • Work with Pete and Lloyd to finish up RPM install and configuration of QA environment (ID2)
    • Working with Shane on Unit Tests for Beta/Stage.
    • Working with Austin on a Manual Test App.
    • Action Item: work more closely with AMO/Apps team to help with BrowserID testing - automation, etc.
  • Action Items:
    • CI/Selenium for BrowserID automation - meeting this week
    • Other types of automation for client/server - TBD
    • Unit tests on Beta/Stage - for Work Week
    • Manual Test App - for Work Week
    • Better integration/coordination with AMO - meeting this week



Waiting on comment #27

