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Last Week's Actions

  [SLIP] everyone/lloyd and ozten interested in dev engagement, talk to Christian 
  [STRIKE] benadida to bring khuey back into meeting
  [SLIP] benadida to look at SRP initial string email from bwarner
  (SLIP) callahad & fmarier: give anurag feedback on the metrics dashboard
  [DONE - DECISION: postpone] lloyd, stomlinson, ozten, dmills to provide feedback on smartsheets.
  [DONE] benadida to sync up with gilbert

ACTION: benadida to bring dolske or other core fx engineer into meeting.

Main Threads

  • 10-11 weeks until new beta date

ACTION: lloyd new sprint schedule by EOD Monday, with revisions

  • native work actively continuing (swarm right now)
  • PMM


  • ACTION: FM to schedule chat with appropriate core team members about API design.
  • ACTION: JP to follow up on CEF logging with appropriate other devs.
  • ACTION: benadida to look into profile proposal wrt key wrapping
  • ACTION: ST to schedule needed followup on profile proposal

FF & Platform

Security & Privacy

  • jwcrypto updates for yboily relevant to 3rd-party evaluations?
  • benadida thinks no.
  • ACTION: benadida to determine security testing infrastructure and "best practices"
  • ACTION: lloyd to blog about bug bounty


  • [JP] met with Yvan Boily re CEF logging
  • [PF] need attention on issue #1608
  • [PF] monitoring & internal ops process followups from last week's outages
  • [PF] working on BigTent staging environment
  • [PF] ordering new SSL certs for migration
  • [PF] (also on PTO today)
  • ACTION: ozten to look at issue #1608


  • BrowserID train-2012.05.14
    • changelog issue verifications complete
    • load_gen still needs running (network in stage unstable end of last week).
  • testing of issue2592 branch on awsbox (now merged into dev).
  • Several prod firedrills last 10 days, including push and test of emergency bug fix
  • Q2 test planning for the following:
    • Updated API, UI flow, RP, Keywrapping
    • Persona Beta
    • BigTent
    • VinzClortho (
    • KPI
  • QA Automation

  • ACTION: benadida to authorize webqa for identity-staff.


   [JP] shout out to Shane for front-end kpi fixes



Getting started with Dan on research.

Product Marketing

  • [LM] Continue with Persona branding


  • has a new look that balances naming and rollout needs.
  • [DC] Presented at DrupalCamp TC, got a lot of interest from core Drupal devs / contrib maintainers.



  • everyone/lloyd and ozten interested in dev engagement, talk to Christian
  • benadida to look at SRP initial string email from bwarner
  • callahad & fmarier: give anurag feedback on the metrics dashboard
  • benadida to bring dolske or other core fx engineer into meeting.
  • lloyd new sprint schedule by EOD Monday, with revisions
  • FM to schedule chat with appropriate core team members about API design.
  • JP to follow up on CEF logging with appropriate other devs.
  • benadida to look into profile proposal wrt key wrapping
  • ST to schedule needed followup on profile proposal
  • benadida to determine security testing infrastructure and "best practices"
  • lloyd to blog about bug bounty
  • ozten to look at issue #1608
  • benadida to authorize webqa for identity-staff.