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Last Week's Actions

  • [PF, DM] Bring Christopher Arnold in and clarify our plan with Partners moving forward
  • everyone/LH JP interested in dev engagement, talk to Christian
  • [MOVE TO SEP 20th] LH to blog about bug bounty - Lloyd, any update on this?
  • [ON ICE] DM to work w/ JF, CB, and KV (Karthik) on plan
  • DM to look into where broader profile fits in.
  • [SLIP] TO to catalog security review needs for Q3
  • CB: stealth numbers page analytics
  • [SLIP] TO schedule time to discuss - evolution of our data - storage moving forward


B2G Update

  • core patches have landed on schedule w00t
  • this coming week: ramping up the server side and delivering milestone S1 (server-1):
  • work with kumar to get marketplace integration working
  • need to get it running OOP (out-of process)




  • train-2012.10.12 delayed to tuesday
  • train-2012.10.26 cut and deployed on translate, awaiting deployment to stage
  • dev is open! playtime!
  • jamming on BigTent requirements this week - issues - 2606, 2607, 2608


  • On-Site scheduled for Nov. 5 in MV! All skycranees will be heads down.
  • [LH,PS] Started working on separate repo for browser independant/selenium-compatible form detector

Test Automation

  • When deploying ephemeral instances, sauce tests are automatically run!
  • final week: docs/blog posts, merging into dev, jenkins integration, stability evaluation all on the menu. plus shane continues to bash out incredible infrastructure

Dialup Performance

  • deployed and all set up to collect results. KPiggybank updated
  • Francois is reviewing Shane's PR to instrument dialog
  • [Fr] continuing discussing with Leen about front-end SPOF
  • [Fr] tried to tackle a few more low-hanging fruit
  • This week: testing prefetching page and enabling KPIs to start measuring improvements

Firefox Accounts

Security & Privacy


  • Prod deploy slated for Tuesday
  • Seeing 400's on Verifier in prod. Diagnosing
  • Alpha of new tool, "Bindle", working (it does automated and transparent provisioning of a vagrant ".box" file before vagrant takes over)


  • completed recheck on train-2012.10.12 and QA signs off on this train
  • deployment will be 10/30 to allow ops to give change window notice.
  • added some automated tests
  • spent some time playing with node profiling tools


  • [JP] Katie Parlante may own kpiggybank and dashboard


  • stakeholder interviews
  • Chrome mocks for Skycrane
  • Skycrane addon - first run page

Product Marketing

Docs & Engagement



[JH] Need to confirm target for landing into dev


  • [ST] Indefinite Leave to Remain Visa Interview 11/2
  • [ST] Full-Frontal Conference 11/9
  • [BW] Nov 9+12 conf, Nov 26th vacation
  • [DC] Nov 11th-ish: Speaking at
  • [Fr] Nov 15: JSConf AU
  • [Fr] Nov 30th: Mozilla Auckland trip
  • [ST] Dec 3rd for mini-break
  • [Fr] Dec 4 -7: speaking at