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Meeting Notes

  • Ben is leaving the company :(
    • UP team is moving to directly report to johnath
    • Lloyd assuming a subset of Ben's responsibilities. He'll be the new Director of Identity
  • Q3 Goals due next week
    • Proposed Goals:

1. Double the number of websites using Persona 2. A single way to log into all Firefox products 3. PiCL authentication server production ready 4. Implemented PiCL UI landed in Firefox Desktop (shared goal with platform team)

  • What does "A single way to log into all Firefox products" mean?
    • Persona vanilla, Firefox OS, and PICL all have very different experiences with Persona
    • Corral efforts to unify things

Team Status


  • shane and jed trying to finish off the primaries/bigtent problem once and for all!
  • we're starting to get screens from ux for sign-in to device

Signin to the Web

Austin's Haircut

Profile in the Cloud (PiCL)




Business Development

Product Marketing

Docs & Engagement

  • [Fr] Austin and I talked about Persona at Open Source Bridge, report to come, hopefully this week
  • [Fr] Austin, Rob and I spent the weekend at Indie Web Camp, again, pimping Persona :)
  • [Fr] visited a Portland company that was interested in hearing more about Persona and potentially collaborating with us on a new auth product/service they have


Blog Schedule

  • We are working on launch on new blog series. Stay tuned for more information soon

PTO/OOO (kept in the Identity calendar for everyone's reference)

  • [brian] OOO conference June 24 - 26
  • [francois] TRIBE June 26-27 (SF)
  • [seanmonstar] TRIBE June 26-27 (SF)
  • [chris] PTO June 26 - July 5
  • [lloyd] PTO Jul 1 - 10
  • [francois] FISL July 1 - 5
  • [francois] RMLL (and back) July 8-17
  • [warner] PTO july 3-5
  • [tauni] PTO Jul 22 - 26
  • [francois] WDCNZ July 25
  • [jedp] OOO conference Jul 25-26
  • [shane] PTO Jul 31 - Aug 9