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  • Please give a very warm welcome to Sam Penrose
    • Sam will be based out of the SF office
  • User study on-going this week in Portland for PiCL
  • consider cancelling staff on MOCO days and provide updates via async
  • note MOCO plan to meet every week, not just monthly. hrm.
  • question: do we have any numbers from fxos launches? like units purchased?
  • Have you signed up for note taking?
  • Monday meeting: rseys is notetaking

Meeting Notes

[callahad is this week's notetaker]

  • Sam Penrose is our newest addition to the team. Yay! Welcome Sam!
    • Formerly from ILM. Will be working a bit on both PICL and Signin to start.
  • Small meetup in PDX to focus on picl sign up / out / reset flow
  • We skipped last week's id-staff meeting due to length of MoCo meeting.
    • Should we just do this meeting async on MoCo days?
  • FxOS launch info? No one knows actual numbers yet.
  • PICL brownbag on the 24th -- please support it.

Team Status


Signin to the Web

  • SNI Support working in staging

Profile in the Cloud (PiCL)


  • hope to land our bugzilla (gecko) patches this week w00t



Business Development

Product Marketing

Docs & Engagement


Blog Schedule

  • We are working on launch on new blog series. Stay tuned for more information soon

PTO/OOO (kept in the Identity calendar for everyone's reference)

  • [francois] RMLL (and back) July 8-17
  • [ckarlof & zaach] in Portland July 15-19
  • [tauni] PTO Jul 22 - 26
  • [francois + andy] WDCNZ July 25
  • [jedp] OOO conference Jul 23-26
  • [shane] PTO Jul 31 - Aug 9