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General Reminders:

Key wiki pages to point folks at:

Meeting Notes

[edwin is this week's notetaker]

  • i am!
  • Lloyd is collecting summaries for the work week and will send out a written summary.
    • Much info already in the summary of Friday's FxA meeting from Chris Karlof.

Firefox Accounts

  • FxA on FxOS - we gots a build!
    • patches landed in Moz-central, more to come
    • waiting for 1.3 branch to get cut so we don't land there
    • Sam is leading 1.4
    • Adam (FxOS Prod Manager) discussed product map for 1.5/1.6
    • Discussions with WMF and Marketplace around requirements for FxA
  • FxA-web moving quickly, zach/nick. fxa-content-server
  • patches in moz-central relavent to sync, want to get that working again
  • Android - Nick A. is on PTO, android work slightly at risk
  • Thanks JED for driving B2G agendas. Jed is going to move off lead role and considering other projects on identity. Sam is leading FxA on FxOS.


  • Discussed assertion format, specific details on list (principal and subject keys).
  • Deploy train 2013.10.23 into prod today or tomorrow, depending on test outcomes.


  • dependent patches landed in moz-central moving toware


  • revisiting dept work week in Q1. Currently possible end of Feb. Lloyd/Tauni to discuss.


Docs & Engagement


Blog Schedule

  • We are working on launching a new blog series. Stay tuned for more information soon

PTO/OOO (kept in the Identity calendar for everyone's reference)

  • Jared: 10-11 Dec at DevCon5, but will be online most of the time
  • kthiessen: 11-13 Dec, Community Building Meetup in SF office.
  • Chilts: 16 Dec: Birthday
  • toxborrow: 16 Dec - PTO
  • Francois: 17-19 Dec - working from Wellington
  • Chris: Dec 18-Dec 25
  • Katie: 23 Dec - 2 Jan: PTO
  • James: 12/13, 1/2, 1/3 PTOs
  • Francois: 6 - 10 Jan - conference in Australia
  • Brian: 12 - 16 Jan: RWC conference (presenting)
  • toxborrow: 13 - 17 Jany :: Eng. Program Mgr Work Week
  • Brian: 25 Jan - 8 Feb: PTO
  • Katie: 27-28 March: PTO