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1. Status Updates 2. Awesome - What happened last week that was awesome? 3. Help - Where could you use help? What is blocking you?

  • Awesome and Help are fully led by the crowd, if there are 12 seconds of silence we move onto the next topic.
  • Work Week: Mar 31 - Apr 4
    • Has everyone signed up? [kthiessen] Signed up where? url, please?
      • I believe it is open to all in Services. Once the agenda is posted, you just show up and participate (this includes QA) - jbonacci

General Reminders:

Meeting Notes


FxA on FxOS

  • Core UI code landed
  • Richard and No-Jun starting on tests
  • Jared, Jed, and Sam working through open issues


  • slightly ahead of schedule for now :)
  • goal for next monday is for jedp and francois to merge their code and provide:
    • translation to vcard4 on contacts change
    • identity provisioning with fruux server
    • backup of contact data on fruux server
  • probably one more week until fruux will have contacts download endpoint
  • working in parallel with ben bangert and tarek on client architecture for services for services (fxos, primarily)


Docs & Engagement


  • fxa-auth/content-server Train-07 cut and pushing to stage

= PTO/OOO (kept up-to-date in the Identity calendar for everyone's reference)

  • Shane: Mar 26 :: PTO
  • Katie: 27-28 March: PTO
  • John G: 27.5-28 Mar: PTO
  • Jared: 2 - 4 Apr: PTO
  • John G: 7th Apr :: PTO
  • warner: 10 - 18 Apr (PyCon Montreal+PTO)
  • chilts: 7th Apr - 2nd May PTO (in UK)
  • toxborrow: 2 - 14 Jun: PTO
  • spenrose: Aug 14 -> Aug 27