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The Setup

During a recent Firefox Accounts Work Week, the team was interviewed about Firefox Accounts. Each member was asked to answer the following question: "What does Firefox Accounts mean to you?"

The answer could be in the form of

  • a definition
  • a comparison
  • a question
  • an answer
  • something cool about Firefox Accounts
  • something challenging about Firefox Accounts
  • something positive about Firefox Accounts
  • something negative about Firefox Accounts

The goal was not to over-think the question, but to just answer directly and honestly.

The Quotes

"...It's the key to the future of the Mozilla ecosystem..." ~ Ryan Feeley

"...It's the enabler of the consumer-facing Mozilla services..." ~ Nick Chapman

"...It's an authentication server, used across multiple devices, allowing a user to interact with a set of applications using a common identity..." ~ Katie Parlante

"...They are like Google accounts, except they are ours, like Persona, but includes more legal checks including Coppa and probably an encryption key for Sync..." ~ Brian Warner

"...What matters is how it impacts our users on the Mozilla phone, this a user-centric identity, centralized system. The idea is to empower users, not to enrich shareholders..." ~ Jared Hirsch

"...Users finally get a chance to own/control a very simple means of identification for accessing all kinds of cool stuff from Mozilla. There is no opt out here, only opt in as the user chooses which services and which levels of involvement he/she wants or needs..." ~ James Bonacci

"...A unified way to access your Firefox data and services..." ~ Danny Coates

"...A way to log into Mozilla services and devices. And a way for third-party apps for getting an identity w/o the user having to create a new account..." ~ Zach Carter

"...A single sign-on for all Mozilla services..." ~ Vlad Filippov

"...FxA sounds boring because it's just a single sign-in method for mozilla services but it's awesome because it opens up the possibility of federating 3rd party applications and backend services to be attached to the users identity..." ~ Jed Parsons

"...a simple, unified sign in system for mozilla's cloud services..." ~ Ryan Kelly

"...A personal account hosted by Mozilla, with which I can log into and use anciliary services with the knowledge that my privacy stays intact..." ~ Andrew Chilton

"...Simplicity of ease of user experience..." ~ Tauni Oxborrow

" represents a single account system that works everywhere, that gives you access to a growing set of services. These services hold your data and solve real problems for you online..." ~ Lloyd Hilaiel

"..It means MDN and Sumo don't have to keep separate authentication databases or user profiles..." ~ Dan Callahan

"...FxA means giving the users the ability to never say goodbye to their Mozilla experience..." ~ John Gruen

"...It is one way to log into relying Mozilla services..." ~ Chris Karlof

"...Mozilla's way of giving people ownership of their own identity on the web. with particular focus on people coming onto the internet for the first time..." ~ Sam Penrose

"..FxA is a chance for us to centralize identity for our services while still allowing for user control in the long run..." ~ Toby Elliott

"..One small step for Mozilla identity and authentication, one giant leap for Mozilla into services..." ~ Rob Lord

"...A centralized account system that enables Mozilla services to share user data between the various Firefox versions..." ~ Francois Marier

"...Firefox Accounts is a single login point for my Mozilla Firefox related activities. (Sync, Marketplace, Phone, Mozillians, etc.)..." ~ JR Conlin

"..Key to competing in a market full of account systems..." ~ Richard Newman