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Hive Pop-up Maker Party KGP


Maker Party is Mozilla’s annual global campaign to teach the web through hands-on learning and making, from now until September 15, the Webmaker community, along with educators, organizations and enthusiastic web users, will be teaching and learning the web in hundreds of classrooms and cafes, libraries and living rooms all around the world. It’s all part of our effort to teach the culture, mechanics and citizenship of the web.

Mozilla believes success in the 21st century depends on digital literacy: the skills people need to read, write and participate on the web. Maker Party focuses on teaching these skills in a fun, hands-on way. Participants meet up with others at events of all sizes to explore the how and why of building apps and webpages with code, design, media and interactive elements.

Webmaker Blogs has more information on Maker Party 2014.

Hives are comprised of organizations (libraries, museums, schools and non-profit startups) and individuals (educators, designers, community catalysts and makers). Together, they create opportunities for youth to learn within and beyond the confines of traditional classroom experiences, design innovative practices and tools that build the field for greater impact, and contribute to their own professional development within an active community of practice.

The Hive model is supported by three levels of engagement: Events: Organizations with shared learning goals unite to provide a fun, engaging event for youth as a first step towards exploring longer-term collaboration. Hive Learning Communities: Community organizers with an interest in Hive’s core principles come together to begin putting connected learning tools and practices into practice through regular meet-ups and events. Hive Learning Networks: Officially designated Learning Networks with an operational budget and staff commit to promoting innovative, open-source learning models in partnership with a communities’ civic and cultural organizations, businesses, entrepreneurs, educators and learners.


Location and Dates

Date: December 20 - 21, 2014
Location:Prem Hari Bhavan (Beside Punjab National Bank) Malancha
Kharagpur-721304, West Bengal, India

Important Links

Event Pages

Event Page on Reps
Sing-up to join this event.


These resources will help in planning a unique event.



Day 1 (Saturday, 20th December):

  • Train the trainer session.
  • Pre Event Booth Testing.

Day 2 (Sunday, 21st December):

  • Hive Pop-up Maker Party KGP

This agenda was developed in collaboration with volunteer and contributors together with local community members to focus on #WebLiteracy #hive #learning and recruiting new contributors into #teachtheweb.

Day 1: Saturday

Train the Trainer & Planning of Day-2 Hive Pop-up Maker Party


Time Activity Description Goal
09:00 AM to 09:30 AM Registration Registration of all Mozillians. (FSA + Reps + Volunteers) For better arrangements and communications.
09:30 AM to 09:45 AM Introduce yourself Introduction by individual Mozillians. It will help to know unknown and known Mozillians better.
09:45 AM to 10:00 AM Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves Fun warm-up dance. It will help to feel free and open.
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM Agendas Brainstorming Discussion of event agendas. To set the objectives of the training based on participants interests and needs.
10:30 AM to 10:45 AM Why we #teachtheweb Provide some context and concepts for why we teach the web. To make everyone understand the importance of teaching web.
10:45 AM to 11:00 AM TEA BREAK
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Open Session Open Session for Web-literacy, Webmaker Tools, Fun Activities, etc To get basic ideas of all domains.
12:30 PM to 12:45 PM Teach in Pairs. Role play how to teach and learn. To get refreshment.
12:45 PM to 01:00 PM Open Session recap Individual Mozillians will share what they learned. To know the interest of each Mozillians.
01:00 PM to 02:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
02:00 PM to 02:30 PM Planning of Day -2 Maker Party What we are going to do tomorrow.i.e on Maker Party Day To get initial ideas of arrangement with respect to booths and activities.
02:30 PM to 03:30 PM Planning of Booths and Activity How each responsible Mozillians will have to handle his booth or activity. To teach them how to make their booth or responsibility better.
03:30 PM to 4:00 PM TEA BREAK
04:00 PM to 05:00 PM Decoration of Venue Setup of each booth with specific theme. To make participants feel like a wounder world.
05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Booth Testing Final testing of Booths will take place. To get the real-time idea of each booths.

Day 2: Sunday

Hive Pop-up Maker Party KGP

Important Booths:


   About Mozilla and its Mission:
   X-ray Goggle:
   App Maker: 


   RW (Responsive Web Design):


   Womoz (Women in Mozilla):
   FSA and Mobilizers:


   Firefox OS:
   Mozilla Open Badge: 

Important Fun Activities:

   Robotic: How to make a simple manual and autonomous robot. With some cool Robots at display and for use.
   Electronics: How to make circuits on Breadboard. How to make cool stuffs with LED's with some demo stuffs at display.


   T-shirt Painting: Make you own T-Shirt with theme as Web Technology and web-literacy.


   Junkotronics:  Make something from scrap items. Turn scrap to gold by innovative ideas.
   Crafting:  Make you own web related crafts. Simple Hat, Purse, Pen Stand etc.
   Mozilla Quiz: Answer some simple question after going through all the  Booths.

Getting There

Travel Info for Venue

After reaching Kharagpur Station, go to bus stand which is just few minutes away. From there catch an auto for Malancha. Get down near Prem Hari Bhavan (Beside Punjab National Bank).


  • Great India Hotel
  • Address: NH-6, Shah Chawk Bombay Road, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721301.


  • Umesh Agarwal:

Participating Schools

  • Sacred Heart High School
  • St. Agnes School
  • Kendriya Vidyalaya No-1 Kalaikunda
  • Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2 Kalaikunda
  • Kendriya Vidyalaya IIT Kharagpur
  • Kendriya Vidyalaya Jhapatapur
  • Christopher Day School Kharagpur
  • St Joseph School Kharagpur
  • DAV School IIT Kharagpur
  • Railway Mixed School Kharagpur


Success Metric

  • No of new Webmaker at the end of event: 100 +
  • No of event participants interested in hosting their own maker parties: 10 +
  • No of makes created (from Appmaker, Thimble, Popcorn, or X-Ray Goggles) 100 +
  • No of people who explain the mission of Mozilla Webmaker: 30 +
  • No of new accounts will be created: 50 +
  • No of web literacy badges will be issued: 30 +
  • No of Webmaker Mentor badges will be issued: 30 +
  • Audience Turnout: 300 +
  • Awareness of Firefox OS
  • Awareness of Web-literacy
  • Awareness of Mozilla and its Mission
  • Awareness of Webmaker Tools
  • Awareness of Womoz (Women in Mozilla)
  • Awareness of Lightbeam
  • New Makers for Community: 20 +
  • Awareness of FSA
  • Other Makes and Ideas
  • Improve Reps and FSA relation

How students will be benefited

  • Students will get an idea of all above mentioned technologies by attending the event.
  • Participation badge based on Mozilla Open Badge platform.
  • Interested students will be recruited to the Mozilla Community as part of our Firefox Student Ambassador (FSA) or Mobilizer program (If age less than 18 years then under some present FSA.)
  • They can get opportunities to dive into the Web and works with millions of Mozillians across the globe.
  • They will get connected to an open source organization.