Internet Security & Firefox

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Internet Security & Firefox


The event will start on 2011/11/16 12:00:00 PM till 2011/12/20 12:00:00 PM.


Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, EMEA


This event is owned by AleksandarS


It is estimated that 500-1000 people will be at the event.


This event is more presentation series that we plan to held in many Universities and Schools all of types, because all kind of people nowdays know to use Internet but are they using it correctly and did they know that they are not safe if they use outdated softwares and we plan to add accent on how firefox can make surfing on Internet safe...

Bugs Associated

Budget ticket : [1]
Swag ticket : 695819


Event Website :

<ul><li>"{{{eventdate}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{eventdays}}}" is not a number.</li> <!--br--><li> "{{{http" has not been listed as valid URI scheme.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Eventbudget" (as page type) with input value "{{{eventbudget}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

Plan of action

  1. Create presentation
  2. Create printable materials
  3. Get swag
  4. Organize booth on most frequently visited streets ,and giving flayers with information where first presentation will be organized
  5. Organizing first presentation
  6. Going to Uni.s, schools and some NGOs and present our data to them (as data I mean presentation ans flayers or even brochures, we will find out should we create brochures on first public presentation, but at start we will use only flyers)

 Current Status

  • Planing (DONE)
  • Researching for useful content (IN PROGRESS)
  • Creating presentation (IN PROGRESS)
  • Designign flayer (IN PROGRESS)
  • Getting swag (IN PROGRESS)

[I will add new content and informations soon]