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Questions? mgalli at taboca dot com

FISL train - June


Other community members work

  • FF 3.5 localization - see [l10n]
  • Ongoing - | Felipe Gomes helping Fennec and Labs effort
  • Complete - Andrea Balle helped with AMO pt-BR review;
  • Ongoing - Andrea/Mario talking about a joint community overview presentation at FISL;
  • Fernando Silveira active in working on site; FF 3.5
  • Leandro Merces ( pt-BR ) looking for help to MDC - is keeping up the work support to 3.5
  • Marcio's push to AMO pt-BR Got Andrea Balle review, Gloria s review, Filipe Grillo to approve.
  • Bruno is planning FISL, gathering ideas
  • Mario and others talking about monthly events in Sao Paulo
  • Bruno is working on Lan Houses project with Alix
  • Andrea was approved to FISL talk - the first community person to get things approved;
  • Georgy sent proposed talk on Mozilla general and Mozilla how to do stuff - from community to code;
  • Felipe Sanches helping with SVG world - want to push sync things with Inkscape and Mozilla;
  • Felipe Sanches, Fabricio Zuardi, fGomes, Antonio Gomes, and others to help in lighining talk demo at FISL and new demos from BR

2008 areas

Areas of Projects going on / Projetos Mozilla no Brasil

Project Category Comentarios Team References
New FF3-ready Site L10n, Marketing Trabalho de traducao do novo site Mozilla que e' compativel com o estilo do site Firefox Fernando ( lead ), Jeferson ( review ), Mario Rinaldi lalo.rinaldi at ( Worker ) , Marcio ( support )
SUMO L10n, Product Existe o novo site de Suporte, para documentos de ajuda para usuarios. Fernando fernandopsilveira emn ( lead ), Jeferson ( review ),

Product, Firefox 3 L10n, Product Produto principal, carro chefe de tudo, Firefox 3 em Portugues Jeferson Hultmann ( lead ), Fernando ( review )
AMO pt-BR L10n, AMO Traducao do em portugues, Traducao do Remora 3.2 ( nova versao ) Filipe Grillo filipe.grillo@ at ( lead ), Jeferson ( review )
AMO Extensions Descriptions Translation AMO pt-BR Traducao dos Titulos ( e Descricoes ) das Extensoes somente. Note que nao se trata de traduzir extensoes. Ja existem mais de 400 extensoes em pt-BR, mas elas nao tem titulos. Saiba mais com mgalli @ mgalli . com ou clauber . halic @ gmail . com Clauber Stipkovic Halic ( lead ), Marcio ( review )
MDC Translations, Writing MDC, Evagelism Artigos no em português. Entre em contato com Leandro para contribuir. Leandro Xavier ( lead ),
Video Evangelism Trabalho com videos, tutoriais, e mais.. Mario Rinaldi, Marcio Galli checar aqui


Other individual contribs

Wellington stuff on DOM Remote Server events

Juca - Felipe Sanches

Rodrigo Padula

  • Researcher at UFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • GNOME contributor
  • Events organizer/evangelist (have a great networking to put Mozilla in many events around many Brazilian states)