Jetpack/Security Roadmap

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Security is really hard.

While the current implementation of the SDK is fully-privileged, it won't always be.

At an architectural level, this means that we need to make a distinction between modules that are low-level and ones that are high-level. (For information on writing Low-Level Modules, see the Low-Level Module Best Practices appendix in the SDK's documentation.)

Low-level modules absolutely require chrome-privileged access to globals like Components in order to access resources like the network, sensitive user data, or UI elements. A quintessential example of a low-level module would be xhr.

High-level modules, which we call unprivileged modules, just import the low-level modules through a call to require() and don't actually need direct, unfettered access to the Mozilla platform itself. An example of a high-level module would be a convenience wrapper for XMLHttpRequest that provides an interface like jQuery.get(). Another example would be an actual extension that uses both low-level and unprivileged modules to do something useful.

When our architecture is set up in this way, we have the opportunity to combine the SDK's module-loading framework with cutting-edge Mozilla platform security technologies like Chrome Object Wrappers to securitize the way extension code behaves. Low-level modules execute with chrome privileges, but their exports are wrapped in a way that protects their internal state from outside clients, allowing unprivileged modules to execute with limited authority.

Optionally, the interfaces of low-level modules can also be attenuated by trusted code that applies further security restrictions. Imagine a wrapper for XMLHttpRequest that filters calls to open() based on a white-list of domains provided in an extension's package.json manifest, for instance. (Note that this approach does not mean we can simply forget about security. The act of distinguishing between low and high-level modules still needs to be made during the design phase, through threat modeling and similar techniques.)

This approach has a number of advantages:

  • It effectively "flattens" Mozilla's complex security system of principals, privileges, and wrappers into a far simpler and easier-to-understand system reminiscent of an Object Capability Model.
  • It provides a path for community members to create their own low-level modules, which can be given security reviews and approved for use in extensions. This allows the Mozilla community to organically "grow" a secure platform by exposing parts of the underlying privileged platform into it, rather than being constrained by a top-down security model that enumerates what's possible and what isn't.
  • It decouples the implementation of security from the design of usable APIs. Since unprivileged modules can actually execute in chrome and non-chrome contexts, it allows us to try out different kinds of high-level APIs and actually use them in real extensions without blocking on a complete, bug-free implementation of a secure platform.

This video by Aza Raskin provides a high-level overview of what our security approach ultimately means for end-users and AMO reviewers.