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Meeting Details

  • 9:00am Pacific, 12:00pm Eastern
  • 650-903-0800 x91 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for backchannel


Pascal, Mic, Axel, SethB, TimR, WilC


en-IN status

  • Filed bugs
  • Met with Build/Release, aiming to start working now and release with as full release
  • Seth/Choffman will be owners; intent is to find a local team to hand off to (team there are currently focused on other languages)
  • Productization elements are close to being finalized, great support from Team 21

Community Dev

  • In India, largest open source conference Dec 4-8, 2007, submitting a proposal to events (Mary) to attend and present at event
    • how to localize and doing a localization sprint
    • 2 or 3 folks been involved in past will drive localization sprint
    • For sure developer track will be presented, Mark Finkle will go and Tim from QA on how to test localizations
    • Denise Cooper, Atul is lead of conference and supporters of Mozilla
  • look for more leadership there to take over after or before Fx3
  • Not sure due to timing of Fx3 when to introduce localization elements, may be bad timing depending on ship date, might change focus of presentation
  • Moz24: doing activities
  • Shaver's new team on Evangelism, have regular meetings to plan out wht we're going to do
  • CRM dbase: Rishi/Seth working through structure (Rishi doing that today), technical issues going well, had contacts ready for import, will go on staging server
  • Rishi working on reports across 7 different countries; made good contacts to make introductions into each country; will share with L10n for additions by Friday
  • New Argentinian localizer called Mariano; new British localizer (Xavier)
  • Intern working on statistics for Moz Europe
  • Stop working on polling all communities apart from analyzing web stats
  • New project to establish a periodic polling of communities to understand their satisfaction, state of Mozilla community in their location, main idea to establish communication with them
  • new download bugs, not working on staging site for Moz.com but is working for Moz.Europe;
  • new page on how to download Firefox onto your platform; current page will be replaced by page on how to install step by step and will then be localized (no automated way for translations as of yet, Tim to check in with Marketing on specifications (John and JT); this would happen for each release)


  • Clint's ETA on minotaur tool is Friday for Mic to review
  • Outstanding issue is to determine location for data storage; Axel, Kev, RHelmer in discussion; bug 385987


  • Timeline: Should be live on mozilla.com at end of Oct (approx)
  • Kubla

AMO/Lang Packs

  • Mic to check in with John Lilly on which language packs will go live on all.html and idea for star-rating system
  • Mic to draft introductory text for all.html, will send to l10n-drivers+JohnS for input before sending to PKim for final review
  • We might want to create a support page that better describes difference between language packs and regular builds; Mic to check in with JT

Fx3 preparation

  • Tool Axel has to provide update on each locale is WIP (work in progress); RHelmer needs to review Axel's code
  • Need to assess when L10n freeze will be issued, still tbd
  • Hoping Japan team can bring over their merged program which enables testing builds for broken languages, analyzies strings and helps better determine what areas Localizer needs to work on