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Meeting Details

  • 9:00 AM Mountain View Time (UTC -7)
  • 650-903-0800 x92 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back channel
  • (notetaker: Axel)
  • (attendees: Axel, sethb, stas, pascalc, gandalf)

Meeting Notes

  • doc status: Not too bad on the one hand, but still a host of conflicting and obsolete docs. Need to get back to chop dead wood. And whatever smells funny might go away, too.
  • l10n_site to have a bug component, in Websites as l10n.mozilla.org. Even though that url is currently taken by the community server.
  • new locales and their web works waits mostly on 3.6.4 and the overhaul for lorentz. google snippets are a go, though.


  • added ast, gd, ilo, mai to the build
    • naughty experience. bug 562026 makes the build infra outside sj not pick up the first push. Thus you first have to land all-locales, wait. Then push the first changesets, wait. Then push the last changeset, wait. If there's only a single changeset, you're out of luck. And then the nightlies are busted, bug 562042. They don't upload unless you have a previous nightly, hahaha. Ask buildduty to just upload random mars as a workaround.
    • You'll need a sheriff, too, or at least its password to create tinderbox pages, and switch on scraping on each build column as it comes around.
    • I wish this wouldn't just take a day.
  • fixed dashboard infrastructure for weave-l10n. Waiting on bug weave-l10n to actually get content in en-US.
  • struggled with makeinfo for the whitepaper. Multi-page output on mac is broken since 2007 at least, so need to migrate my work for this to the linux VM. Fixed by now, see [1].
  • opened the l20n file format thread in [2] and blogged about it.
  • kept chowse on the phone for 1:45 on all things l10n_site

Talking points: doc status? move l10n_site bugs out of Infrastructure?


  • catching up on email after the vacation
  • I'm in MV for this week's webdev's onsite
  • gave a 1 hour talk to webdev about l10n (good practices + project management tips and observations) yesterday
  • talking to chowse about the todo app today at 1pm PT
  • an announcement of the todo app beta scheduled for May 5, goal: gather localizers' feedback



  • Jetpack l10n API progress, retargetting for 0.4
  • XUL bindings updates + JS bindings updates
  • SUMO in Verbatim
  • work with pike & seth on the l20n project paper


  • Moved ast p12n bugs forward
  • Webdev workweek presentation about l10n
  • Co-wrote the l20n project paper
    • Used Bitbucket to write


  • still working on mobile pages (will keep working on that for the next 3 weeks probably), cleanup of pages on mozilla.com
  • prepared google snippets for May (not much l10n this time)