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Meeting Details

  • 11:00 AM Central European Time (UTC +1)
  • 650-903-0800 x92 Conf# 206 (US/INTL)
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back channel

Meeting Notes

  • Multi-lingual web conference
    • Interesting conference with diverse crowd from browser people, linguistic folks, machine translation, natural language processing, and more!
    • Ping Axel for more details
  • Shipping app feedback (cont.)
    • Approval stuff is still not super-slick, but Axel can hack around it
    • Tool chain for doing initial review of sign-offs
      • Right now, need to look at diffs from last sign-off to next sign-off to catch parsing errors
      • Need to do things like check l10n-src-verification
      • Lots of local checks for Axel in place, but all undocumented
      • Seems like we need to highlight the list of dependencies that are not picked up by compare-locales, green dashboards, or other stuff (i.e. list.txt, p12n breaks, etc.)
      • Need easier way to generate change sets
  • Beta builds for Fennec
    • Do we need to stop and respin due to some broken builds like German? Axel makes the call.
  • Kitsune
    • Complete re-write
    • Two weeks will be feature complete
    • Ship on November 30


Talking points: beta builds, Multilingual Web


  • todo: https://github.com/stasm/todo/issues is the list of open issues, I should be done by Friday and ask Pike and Gandalf for a review. Are you guys available next week?
  • elmo: discussion with morgamic in bug 606204
  • SoW for Pontoon for engagement
  • went through the process of updating the l10n-src-verification with sethb
  • on PTO all of next week


  • Verbatim updated to Pootle 2.1.2
  • L20n XUL/XBL bindings almost updated to latest schema (minus two leaks I'm working on right now)
  • Written Pontoon white paper and SOW and got feedback from Atul.
  • Will be at Barcelona Festival (and will try to get more support from Atul ;))



(PTO last Friday and bank holliday on Monday, so short week)

  • worked on pages for new locales in beta
  • worked on upcoming events for mozilla europe (Ubuntu party this week, Drumbeat in Barcelona, "make your first Mozilla patch" hackfest mid-november)
  • filed svn account bugs for a couple localizers
  • new French volunteer from geckozone wants to help with web l10n (will give him the phishing page as a test)
  • many pages updates pushed to production


Talking points: Kitsune KB
