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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

  • Describe proposals for localizer workflow in the l20n land and get Mozilla localizers and L10n-Drivers to comment on it (m.d.l10n, blog posts, email spamming, whatever will work)

planned for this week:

  • Finalize l20n localizer workflow proposal and send to l20n-discussion and cross-post to m.d.l10n
  • more work on l20n toolchain
  • work on lingering project with Metrics team (l10n trends)

done last week:

  • update job description for l20n position to make it sound better (pure marketing! ;>)
  • work on l20n toolchain (compare-locales, lol validator and lol status)
  • conceptualized l20n fallback chain mechanism for XUL


goal for this week: Finish Bosnian [bs] productization bits

planned for this week:

  • newsletter updates on mozilla.com for all locales
  • mozilla.com maintenance while Pascal is away
  • getting some traction to unresolved p12n trackers
  • try to hack bugsy(elmo)

done last week:

  • Bosnian [bs] p12n with Kerim
  • Kashubian[csb] p12n with Pike and Jurk
  • mozilla.com maintenance
    • newsletter fixes
  • android whatsnew tab


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week: Get the darn shipping rewrite in check

planned for this week:

  • Progress on shipping rewrite

done last week:

  • more back-and-forth on shipping rewrite, extensive data migration turned up more cases to handle


goal for this week: (from previous week) launch the world ready list

planned for this week:

  • write interview gudelines for tomorrow
  • go back to Poland
  • document the new engagement projects

done last week:

  • more interviews
  • webifyme postmortem
  • holiday campaign kick off
  • your web campaign kick off
  • townhall meeting
  • some maintenance for mozillians and affiliates