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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker: Milos
  • Attendees: gandalf, Jeff, Milos, Pascal
  • No talking points

Action Items


No carry-overs this week. Most of the stuff done last week in Berlin.



goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

  • finalize the l10n tools plan
  • fire call for speakers and theme/format discussions for MozCamp EU

planned for this week:

  • L10nDrivers work week

done last week:

  • L10nDrivers work week


goal for this week: Gain thorough understanding of Firefox l10n process through successful builds and documentation research.

planned for this week:

  • Using existing doc, create a local l10n build of Firefox.
  • Using existing doc, create a new l10n build of Firefox (calling it es-CU, since who knows if there will ever be a Cuban l10n of Firefox).
  • Begin noting gaps in the process doc and brainstorming solutions for them.

done last week:

  • Berlin meetings


goal for this week:

  • Pontoon: enable iFrame XSS
  • Pontoon: explore multipage website scenarios
  • Pontoon: start LDAP authentication implementation

planned for this week:

  • L10n drivers work week

done last week:

  • L10n drivers work week


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • Productization
    • Work on finalizing Kashubian, Bosnian and Armenian
    • Get started with Swahili and Mongolian
  • Elmo
    • Start a django app for webdashboard and fork Axel's script for blocking bugs
    • Start hacking
  • Mozilla.org
    • Maintaining the webdashboard
    • Work on state of mozilla
    • bugzilla c3po improvements
    • finishing template for p12n webparts
    • adding webparts pages and filing p12n bugs
  • Engagement
    • Mozillians: adding languages and communicating to localizers
    • Affiliates: trying to get SL into 1.0
  • Other
    • Create webl10n wiki page with projects and descriptions to track statuses
    • Add P12n webparts requirements to productization guide wiki page

done last week:

  • l10n meet-up in berlin


goal for this week:

  • Launch Localized State of Mozilla at the same time as en-US
  • Launch /fx/ and /new/ pages on mozilla.org
  • debeta a locale or two on the web

planned for this week:

  • Work on State of Mozilla page (Thursday)
  • launch /fx/ /new pages (Monday)
  • get started with hg to be able to help volunteers
  • Start work on video l10n
  • keep ongoing work on Persistent Upgrade campaign, newsletter l10n on mozilla.org, other pages updates

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • shrink backlog in reviews etc
  • masterball, once more

done last week:

  • l10n-drivers meet up


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week: