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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week: Initiate a discussion on the list of remaining open topics for L20n 1.0

planned for this week:

  • blog post on the current state of pending features for L20n 1.0
  • update the newsgroup
  • gather feedback on the proposal that stas and I crafted last week

done last week:

  • finalize the list of pending proposals for L20n 1.0
  • make a decision on all of them
  • worked with Stas on features and AST syntax


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • Blog post on fixing small L10n bugs (see l10n blog post schedule).
  • Finish translator recruiting for MozCamp LATAM.
  • Finish tools vision testing analysis.
  • Draft intermediate Narro tutorial.
  • Prepare presentation for next week's career fair.
  • Make edits to process documentation on wikimo.
  • Continue discussion about new projects doc (see Bug 706661).

done last week:

  • Postmortum evaluation of Khmer events.
  • Elmo blog post
  • Continued recruitment for MozCamp LATAM translators.
  • Created blog post schedule.
  • Finished contacting L10n community leads to verify accurate contact info.
  • Conducted several interviews for community spotlight blog posts.


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week:


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

  • provide snippets for EU ballot to Patrich
  • keep working on localizer outreach
  • keep working on download pages

done last week:

  • pushed the updated firefox/features page
  • provided snippets to a dozen locales to Grace for beta promotions (first batch)
  • removed outdated sync addon content
  • added CORS headers to json and rss feeds on web dashboard for Pike so as to improve performance in content syndication from the product dashboard
  • fixed a few minor bugs on firefox/beta pages (rtl, functionnal download box for lij)
  • worked with IT and PR on a login bug in the press center that prevented them from issuing press releases (the new wordpress instances are not ready yet, the European PR team still needs mozilla-europe.org old backoffice to issue localized press releases on mozilla.org)
  • changed the rss feed message for .lang files to indicate the number of untranslated strings in .lang files instead of just mentionning that some .lang files are not translated
  • published an update to Firefox Flicks teaser pages
  • updated testLocalesReleased (script comparing shipped-locales in hg and product-details in svn) on mozilla.org to be more complete (ESR support) and more informative. Sent a message about it to l10n-drivers.
  • created http://l10n.mozilla-community.org/~pascalc/langchecker/?action=count, a new view I use for outreach for locales really behind. Started pinging a few locales.
  • worked on French snippets with a new localizer (Paul) and Greg from marketing
  • contacted Abbas, a Persian volunteer to put him in contact with Ehsan and Arash
  • contacted James, a Malayalam volunteer, to explain him how he could help with Firefox pages
  • fixed an ATOM feed bug in mozFR planet instance and upstreamed the patch to moonmoon
  • helped review MWC press releases from our Spanish Press agency


planned for this week:

  • slacking on Tuesday

done last week:

  • test plan for elmo, first stab only
  • outreach for 11 and 12
  • reanimated data1.1 branch
  • investigated old-locales list

Locales state: Based on outreach data:

Swahili and Wolof struggle, according to Dwayne. He hasn't heard back.

No reply from Assamese, Bengali (India), German, Spanish (Chile), Kannada, Kurdish, Maithili, Macedonian, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Telugu, Vietnamese, Zulu

Excluded from outreach due to background: Persian, Tamil (India), Tamil (Sri Lanka)

Known locales with Action:

  • bn-BD wants narro
  • cy has Kevin Scannell helping
  • fa has new volunteers, need upramp
  • mn needs more volunteers


goal for this week:

planned for this week:

done last week: