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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • l20n: more tests
  • l20n: performance metrics

done last week:

  • l20n: new internal fallback schema
  • l20n: extend JS parser to support full range of L20n expressions
  • l20n: support synchronous file loading in our testing environment (node.js)
  • l20n: new recursive import tests


planned for this week:

  • Make edits to L10n:NewProjects according to feedback received in Warsaw.
  • Finalize edits to Screencast initiative according to feedback from Ali (MDN).
  • Begin planning for Doc Sprint.
  • 1-on-1 with Arun from Tamil.
  • Follow up with bn-BD & vi teams.
  • Plan out l10n team health checkin for q4.

done last week:

  • Completing tools tutorials as part of doc sprint.
  • Finalized LocWorld presentation, slides and all, by the 3rd.
  • Submitted proposal for MozCamp Asia.
  • Working with Arky about GrowMozilla l10n goals.
  • Met with Stas, Pike, and Gandalf about L20n q4 goals for dev & evangelism.
  • Tamil matter (phone call with Arun this week).
  • Published contributor spotlight.
  • Planned topics for blog in q4.
  • Announced new locale releases for Ffx 17 to Press, Asa, and about:mozilla.
  • Wrote copy for ^^


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Collect translations for mobile survey
  • Event: Open World forum with MozFR
  • Review OneMozilla blog sub-templates for l10n
  • Transvision 1.6 with new view and template
  • check state of new locales (download pages)

done last week:

  • MacOSX 10.5 EOL billboard
  • add 12 locales for contribute page localization
  • Released Transvision 1.5 with Gaia repo support
  • fixed a security issue on frenchmozilla blog
  • launched mobile survey for marketing


planned for this week:

  • migration
  • hand over
    • signoff reviews

done last week:

  • some Aisle POC work on c9, chat with Ruben Daniels and Matt Pardee
  • got back to JarMaker, in support of mobile and b2g l10n.
    • oh, I was young back then, and had ideas.
    • removed a ton of over-engineered stuff. glad that was me and not someone else
    • r? on ted
  • chatted with stas about b2g and in particular gecko strings for fx os
    • maybe just not have any files in b2g/locales/en-US?
    • just use my JarMaker magic to pick up un-branded files from toolkit into b2g overrides
  • posted to .new-locales about the process changes for new locales, Jeff to blogify that
  • discussion on yammer on using tagging or something on the release calendar to get rapid dates just for l10n out of a single source


planned for this week:

  • gaia: update en-US strings in hg
  • gaia: clean up the git repo from unused .properties files
  • gaia: file bugs for string breaks (not many)
  • gaia: plan the bucket 2 string freeze
  • gaia: change the layout of shared/locales
  • b2g: figure out which files need to live in b2g/locales/en-US (maybe none?)
  • b2g: set up a meeting with chris lee and dietrich about v1 and v2 locale selection

done last week: