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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Pike, Pascal, Milos, Jeff, gandalf, Matjaz
  • Put your talking points here.
  • PTO duty for Pike, week of Nov 19.
    • Merge day on 19th. Gandalf!
    • Milos for sign-off reviews, notably on beta. Let's postpone aurora sign-offs until I get back
    • stas for code questions, elmo data asks

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • finish performance instrumentation
  • work on refactoring l20n.js dependencies

done last week:

  • [done] provide error recovery for parser (bug 801665)
  • [active] work on performance metrics for l20n and gaia l10n (bug 810463)
  • [active] refactor l20n.js (bug 810455)


planned for this week:

  • [active]recruit MDN help for documenting l20n.
  • [done]Work on l20n/Pontoon article for Multilingual Mag with Stas.
  • [active]prep for mozcamp asia.
    • [active]l10n on mercurial session.
  • [active] L10n team health sssessment interviews.
  • [passive]Work out post-LocWorld next steps.
    • [passive]Pathway for LSP contributions.
    • [passive]Next steps for dev and standardization partners (e.g., GALA, Amazon, Translators without Borders)
  • [passive]Planning for Doc Sprint & YouTube screencast initiative.

done last week:

  • [6 done] L10n team health sssessment interviews.
  • [done]Catch up on email and assignment progress.
  • [done]Logistics for mozcamp Asia and Utah work week.
  • [done]Create documentation plan for L20n.
    • [done]Formalize in wiki doc
    • [active]recruit MDN help
  • [active]Work on l20n/Pontoon article for Multilingual Mag with Stas.
  • [done]Create paper layout outlining ideas for new ELMO homepage.
  • [done]Help with string freeze thoughts.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Keep on working on Whatsnew / snippets / facebook / state of mozilla / surveys
  • Ubuntu party this week end: booth + conferences + l10n and support workshops

done last week:

  • Worked on State of Mozilla l10n, about 10 locales ready for initial launch
  • Worked on Whatsnew l10n for Firefox 17, we don't have any webdev implementation, I gave strings to localizers in their whatsnew.lang file based on screenshots...
  • Worked on about:home snippets for both State of Mozilla and Social API campaign
  • Added a json/jsonp api on webdashboard/langchecker to output all translations for a string, this is essentially for the snippets service (I don't know if it will be used, but at least it will be there and it is potentially useful on the long term)
  • Fixed with webdev several bedrock bugs related to 110n, worked on specifying my RFE for per locale pushes of webpages (to be able for me and Milos to push a translation for a page from a flag in a .lang file instead of filing an IT/webdev request)
  • Worked on survey 4 for pfinch, only one locale missing (Indonesian), I pinged 8 people from our Indonesia l10n and reps communities, none answered. I will look for new Indonesian localizers after Firefox 17 is done since this locale is now systematically requested for marketing projects.
  • Usual maintenance on other projects


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • hacking in aisle poc for c9
  • reviews
  • support stas with gaia/b2g


planned for this week:

done last week: