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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • Extract strings for Anniversary landing page, plus some other changes, other Decade stuff
  • Call with Fabio Rios (new person in charge of snippets).

Done last week:

  • p12n:
    • br mobile searchplugins (pending review)
  • mozilla.org content:
    • Reorganize .lang files for Get Involved page to avoid issues on production (bug 1083531)
    • Firefox for Android page: 30 locales ready, scheduled to go live on Oct 28.
    • Work on Privacy tour last Friday and reach out to localizers with instructions (19/26 complete so far).
  • Other:
    • Started snippets
    • Completed QA on Legal Documents for Italian
    • Firefox Hello localization and testing


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • [] Report on status of decade l10n projects
  • [] Clean up Portland agenda
  • [] Apply for Indian and Sri Lankan visas and arrange travel.
  • [] MQM post-mortem
  • [] Guides materials and list of trusted guides
  • [] Localized screenshots for new Fennec landing page
  • [] Speaking at Localization World from 29 Nov - 31 Nov.

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Screenshots for 2.0: review and provide feedback, create the text file template; Work with Rubric to prioritize
  • PR screenshots for partner announcement in South Africa; work with Rubric and Tannie Low to prioritize
  • Masterfirefoxos new home: provide legacy content, discuss basic feature request
  • Network with TechWomen leaders who are interning at Mozilla; They are from Africa and the Middle East
  • Legal: identify top 10 - 20 markets for various Mozilla products, and help determine what additional languages to localize in. Work with HTP to plan ahead

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • decade stuff
    • outreach around fx34 l10n
  • Aisle
    • kicked off public project and tons of infrastructure for that
  • reviews


planned for this week:

done last week: