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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Pascal, Axel, Jeff, flod, Matjaz, Peiying, Delphine, Chris, gandalf
  • Pootle locales and search UI on Beta (fx35)
    • not supported in the setup, Axel to reply
  • Bengali
    • experiment to collaborate on SUMO
      • needinfo on Arky on how this is planned
    • product l10n and website not so much
    • Jeff to some this up
  • FxOS 2.2
  • Deliverables
  • pto, holidays
    • many
    • cancel meeting on 29th

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • Hello pages for mozilla.org
  • New batch of snippets to localize

Done last week:

  • l10n:
    • Fixed issues in a few repos (bn-IN, gl, son).
  • Tools:
    • Transvision: load list of locales dinamically for all repos, improve locale selections in search form.
  • Other:
    • MoFo: managed new snippets localization and bugs for EOY campaign.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • []Terminator on paas.
  • []Guides & Mentors follow-up
  • [INPRO]Continue iOS app l10n process testing.
  • [INPRO]Post-mozlandia meetings (community events, MQM, etc.)
  • [INPRO]Sign-off on Fennec new locales.
  • [INPRO]Celtic meetup follow-up
  • [DONE]File desktop new locale bugs for Santali; Uzbek follow-up.
  • [DONE]Announce Android L localization update on mailing list.
  • [DONE]Write up and circulate Bengali update.
  • [DONE]Update language coverage data.
  • [DONE]Romanian l10n follow-up

done last week:

  • Helped with iOS app l10n process testing.
  • Aurora report
  • Prep work for Gmail migration.
  • Close mentoring of sq and gl for Fennec launches.
  • Scheduling for 2015 blog strategy.
  • Intellego goals wrap-up for 2015.
  • Setting up Terminator locally; trying to get it up on paas.
  • Scheduling post-mozlandia meetings (community events, MQM, etc.)
  • India visa application in the mail (finally!)


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Look for new contributors for 2 locales (probably Hungarian, Indonesian)
  • Present Manel to webdev team, see how she can work with us on RTL on mozilla.org
  • See with Théo if a code project he does with 5 other students could be an l10n one
  • Some Transvision work (code reviews mostly)
  • See if the web l10n stats graph (https://l10n.mozilla-community.org/~pascalc/web_l10n_stats/?locale=bg) can be integrated somehow into the locale view on web dashboard

done last week:

  • New Transvision dev from French community: Vincent Lequertier (sky@riseup.net)
  • Found new Polish localizer Piotr Nalepa (poczta@piotrnalepa.pl)
  • Transvision: All commits to master are now continuously integrated on the beta site via GitHub webhooks (beta site had to be manually updated before)
  • Looking for new contributors for Polish, Hungarian, Croatian.


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • Nigeria
    • Started new PO application for Nigeria
    • Scoped the work needed for Yoruba for Marketplace
  • Q1 Africa Project:
    • Getting locales enabled on Marketplace github, Verbatim and dashboard
    • Worked on finalizing PO application for Q1 Africa project
    • Scoped work needed for Swahili for Marketplace
  • South Africa:
    • Marketing: requested stock images to be more relevant to Africa continent for screenshots
    • Marketplace: continued gathering test info and details to support l10n agency to conduct linguistic review.
  • Legal:
    • Started a new set of legal doc localization (4) with Agency and Japan office
    • Started new PO application for Legal for 2015
  • Marketing:
    • 2.0: Worked with Japan office on screenshots for launch in late Dec.
    • Masterfirefoxos: 1) reviewed current design and workflow for site migration; 2) got the 2.0 content finalized and it is currently in copy signoff


done last week:

  • didn't go to Brazil, damn the guy that tripped over the cable in UK aircontrol
    • flashed a bunch of flames that I didn't use
  • some clean-up on the l12y test branch
  • figured deliverables for Q1 (3 right now, Aisle, l12y-test, compare-locales)


planned for this week:

done last week: