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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Chris, Axel, Pascal, flod, Peiying, Jeff, Delphine, Matjaz
  • Put your talking points here.
  • [delphine] FxOS: list of languages displayed during FTE or under Settings -> should we reconsider the order we are listing them there (which is currently by locale code)?
    • everyone agrees it's weird
    • unclear if there's a "right"
    • in particular non-latin script languages
  • [pascal] bug on l10n.mozilla-community.org, nobody to take care of it. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1142918
    • maybe add another admin or two?
  • Narro reference on the wiki? Removed!

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • Find a safe/reasonable way to cleanup XLIFF files.
  • mozilla.org updates

Done last week:

  • Celtic meet-up.
  • Spring release: meeting about video localization.
  • mozilla.org: added new strings and new Firefox Family/Leadership pages.
  • Tools:
    • Webstatus: cleaned up XLIFF warnings.
  • Other:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • []Booking community travel/lodging for Nordic hackathon.
  • []Scope translation quality assessment (TQA) tooling comparative analysis project for Q2.
  • []testing plan for reading list.
  • []Aurora sign-offs
  • []iOS updates on Friday (Identify where this can be automated)
  • []Start planning Baltic hackathon for Pike & driver.
  • []Persian l10n outreach w/Iranian student association @ BYU.
  • []iOS testing update.
  • []Push for planning l10n team activities for Whistler All-Hands.

done last week:

  • Follow up with DFKI on MQM scorecard project.
  • iOS string update & PM work.
  • Finalizing gathering reports and documentation for Pune, Bangalore, Colombo, and Wales meetups.
  • Aurora l10n report.
  • Work with Dwayne to get .xliff format working in locamotion.
  • Testing reading list for es and pt.
  • Persian l10n community outreach to Iran Student Association at University of Utah.
  • Q1 Goals review; beginning of goals considerations for Q2.
  • Survey management for hackathons.
  • Nordic hackathon planning.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • Meeting with Coce to talk about community growth, he is happy to work with me on finding new people. Will also involve Archeopteryx.
  • Started preparing Whatsnew page 37, final strings landed today
  • Investigated why Transvision searches was no longer working, this is a bug on the localization server that apparently got IPV6 half activated and we can't query it anymore
  • Some coding on my localizers activity app
  • Updates to product-details


done last week:

  • Africa:
    • All contracted languages except for Lingala are complete with the Gaia localization. QA testing were done for most languages or would be complete on early next week.
    • Per request, Rubric delivered several l10n kit which to be made available with community and partners. Kit includes glossary, style guide and screenshots taken during FFOS testing.
    • South Africa Meetup: tried to loop in Marketing, Rep and Rubric on the meetup. The details started to come in but still it lacked solid and confirmed, attendees, events or dates.
    • Arabic: the community leads were completely tied up to UI development and localization. Almost no one is working on other components. Brought Heba, a new recruit on board to start localization work.
  • Asia: Had been chasing different leads that either provided no feedback or some info came without confirmation. Almost all attention had been focusing on Africa that the upcoming Asia launches in India and the Philippines have not generated much buzz. Most decision making people didn’t know all the details which made l10n moving forward very difficult.
  • Masterfirefoxos: Trouble shooting the site on multiple fronts. English had typos that were discovered after it went live. Communities almost unanimously ignored the project. 1.3 Spanish was needed yet there was no 1.3 English to localize from
  • Screenshots: Revised the 2.0 screenshot text to reflect the updated English template; Worked with Creative, Graphic artist and Rubric to curate images for South Africa market. Worked with Rubric and Friedel to finalize and agree upon the final text before screenshots were to be updated
  • Legal: 1). It was during an update request in Spanish, we discovered Spanish Marketplace legal documents were machine translated and without accent. As a result, an audit and cleanup was requested. 2). Requested legal translation in Arabic to support FFOS launch. 3). Heads up on Wolof and Filipino pending partner decisions


done last week:

  • elmo
    • ripping out unnecessary dependencies (bug 1121496), in prep for updating django, in prep for ... oh my buglist.
    • updating dependencies, finding more dependencies
    • and finding ancient mistakes. Rather spring-cleaning.
  • updated machine to mavericks, to install all the things
  • tried to set up an https proxy for transvision on paas, but can't get a public tube to work.


planned for this week:

done last week: