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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Pike, Pascal, flod, Matjaz, chofmann, Peiying, Delphine, stas, Jeff
  • Put your talking points here.
  • Balkans attendance: Balkans/Events:2015/Bucharest: flod, mathjazz, pike

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • RTL/l10n testing
  • truncation issues: regressions on 2.2 -- verifications
  • RTL/l10n bugs daily triage
  • Marigold improvements
  • Flame distribution continues (got a few more devices now)
  • Contract help for Friedel and Kevin
  • Africa locales: set up any missing locales on builds
  • Meeting with Devices team (Taipei) for 2015 languages
  • Keyboards for locales: update with Bruce
  • Get 2.0M devices flashed with latest RTL/Arabic build
    • Put process in place to get 4 devices out to Arabic community for testing (TCL NDA)

done last week:

  • RTL/l10n testing
  • RTL/l10n bugs daily triage
  • Flame distribution continues (got a few more devices now)
  • conservations about l10n and v3


Planned for this week:

  • Figure out Spring Release schedule and consequences for l10n (web parts, video localization)
  • Organize for Balkans meet-up May 22-24

Done last two weeks:

  • L10n: iOS: more scripting (remove translations from an existing file, update strings after extraction), run last extraction and update.
  • Tools: Webstatus: minor improvements, better XLIFF support.
  • mozilla.org: Set up files and dashboard for Spring Release.
  • Other: l10n meet-up/sprint in Paris.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Spring Release
    • [inpro] Pocket l10n integration
    • [done] Identify remaining work for l10n of Spring Release.
  • iOS updates
    • [inpro, no details yet] Communicate schedule changes to localizers.
    • [inpro] Learn status of p12n in iOS and how localizers can engage in that process.
    • [inpro] Continue to support testing and infra for iOS l10n.
  • Translation Quality
  • Community
    • [] Blog about Nordic hackathon.
    • [done] Logistics for Lithuania hackathons.
    • [inpro] Invites for LATAM hackathon.
    • [inpro] Schedule remaining Q3 hackathons.
    • [inpro] Help Arky with logistical arrangements for Senegal hackathon.
    • []Action items from India, Celtic, African, Nordic, and French hackathons.
    • [inpro] Cost analysis of all hackathon activities in Q1, anticipated activities in Q2, and budgets for activities in Q3 & Q4.

done last 2 weeks:

  • Spring Release
    • [done] Individual outreach to remaining locales to sign off for the spring release.
    • [done] RL & RV communication to l10n communities.
  • iOS updates
    • [done] Resync with Stefan, Karen, and Ering about getting localizers into the dogfooding program.
    • [done] Help with this week's update to strings and potential risks to final update on 1 May.
  • Translation Quality
    • [done] Schedule translation quality assessment (TQA) tooling comparative analysis project for Q2.
  • Community
    • [done] Nordic hackathon & travel to Stockholm.
    • [inpro] Plan LATAM and Lithuania hackathons.
    • [inpro] Schedule remaining Q3 hackathons.
    • [inpro]Action items from India and Celtic hackathons.
    • [inpro] Cost analysis of all hackathon activities in Q1, anticipated activities in Q2, and budgets for activities in Q3 & Q4.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


done last week:

  • elmo
    • more digging in the dirt
  • aisle
    • updated moz.xliff, now "just works"
    • pushed DTD (bug 1160885) and Gettext (bug 1160886) modes to moz.aisle, but didn't publish that yet.
  • PTO in Sweden


planned for this week:

done last week: