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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Axel, flod, Jeff, Pascal, Arky, Peiying, Matjaz, gandalf, stas, delphine, chofmann
  • Put your talking points here.
  • Orlando
    • enhance session descriptions on the ep with details on attendance, details, expected outcomes
    • Axel to add Firefox session, "Going faster with l10n"
  • Continuous L10n continued
    • Talked about this for 30 mins, more than notes can carry
    • General agreement that we need to get more engaged
    • Comms is important, modernize that?
    • Is aurora the solution or the problem? Do we have data?
    • Single-repo is good, though it might be double.
    • Can we do just one global repo for all locales?
      • facebook extension?
    • single-repo and tools?

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • More work on Transvision+iOS
  • More testing on Aisle

Done last week:

  • [tools] Started using Aisle as editor for l10n-central
  • [tools] Transvision: started working on supporting Firefox for iOS
  • [products] iOS testing
  • [other] Mass search for l10n-central repositories not merged with mozilla-aurora, filed bugs and cleaned up several locales only working on mozilla-aurora (et, fi, fy-NL, he, nl, pa-IN, sq). Down to 19 remaining locales, only 14 are somehow actively updating l10n-central.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • [] Finalize RTL event logistics (airport shuttle)
  • [] Finalize Istanbul logistics (meals, airport shuttle, hotel payment)
  • [] Book air, hotel, & AirBNB for Paris hackathon
  • [inpro] Determine Q4 goals
  • [inpro] Schedule time for l10n meetings in Orlando.
  • [inpro] Perform targeted Fx42 locale outreach.
  • [] Start Aurora single-locale builds for Lao Fennec for Android.
  • [] RTL hackathon
  • [] Flesh out my Orlando session details

done last week:

  • [done] Begin nomination process for Indic hackathon
  • [done] Engage with Netherlands Reps to organize local Amsterdam hackathon logistics.
  • [inpro] Determine Q4 goals
  • [inpro] Schedule time for l10n meetings in Orlando.
  • [done] Publish Firefox l10n report & iOS v1.1 messaging on dev-l10n.
  • [done] Find new owner for es-MX Fennec iOS.
  • [done] Find new localizers for Swedish.
  • [inpro] Perform targeted Fx42 locale outreach.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:

  • Started looking for localizers (German/Spanish) for the advocacy team
  • Worked on fixing the newsletter center mess on Bedrock (bedrock patch being reviewed now), preliminary step to be able to update and expand it to Foundation newsletters
  • Fixed regressions on Stores 3.0 version https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/stores_l10n/releases/tag/v3.1
  • Clarified some of the mess aroung the AppStore description l10n, screenshots are being localized, description will be updated when the marketing guy in charge comes back from PTO
  • Responded to quality audit for French with the rest of the mozilla.org French l10n team


planned for this week:

done last week:


done last week:

  • Aisle
    • by flod: first commit with Aisle, https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central/it/rev/b2aaa93e5a5c
    • Finished up a first usable step of Aisle, with compare-locales and some syntax highlighting.
    • Exposed to first testers (see above) to gather feedback:
      • Version control
      • panels being finicky is finicky
      • Flows hard to get still
  • elmo
    • some progress with VM, but the maze is still full of haze
  • Writing/Thinking
    • How to get to quality sooner?
    • What tooling do we need?


planned for this week:

done last week: