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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Pascal, Pike, flod, Arky, Peiying, Chris, Matjaz,
  • Put your talking points here.
  • Seeking fourth l10n-driver to attend FUEL/Indic Hackathon (Chennai India 20-22 November 2015). Due to large number of teams attending it would be good have another l10n-driver to attend along with Axel, Peiying and Arky. http://fuelproject.org/gilt2015/index
  • goals
  • migration from verbatim to pontoon

Action Items




planned for this week:

  • Organizing Indic Hackathon: Invitations, daily meetings from core orgnization teams

done last week:

  • Budget and hotels.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • [tools] Start working on templates for Langchecker
  • [other] Paris event

Done last week:

  • [engagement] Snippets and tiles request for Fall Campaign + monthly ongoing content.
  • [mozilla.org] Started localization of SmartOn campaign
  • [tools] Moved snippets and tiles in one repository in GitHub
  • [tools] Langchecker: reorganize files and folders, preliminary step to move to a template system.
  • [tools] Langchecker: added JSON view for list of pages, usable by external tools like Pontoon.
  •  [tools] Webstatus: added support for multiple files in one project, started tracking Fundraising.
  • [other] Helped the rest of the Italian team in reviewing web content for Fall Campaign, translated first SmartOn page and snippets.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Will be on PTO Thursday/Friday
  • Paris l10n hackathon on the week end
  • Hack on Transvision

done last week:

  • Transvision:
    • Created API allowing to query all repositories for search results and translation memory (for Pontoon use)
    • Generate internal API documentation automatically on each push to master
    • Started working on searches across repositories (end-user equivalent to the new global search API)
  • Web L10n stats: fix a regression post GitHub, data for mozilla.org was no longer calculated
  • Reviewed Flod's patch to reorganize Langchecker file structure + patch to add a new API for Pontoon


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week: