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Joint Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST, Localization Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

Joint Meeting Notes

  • Attendees:
  • X-channel fx l10n
    • Messaging to community about x-channel l10n:
      • We all used the same words to describe this, but with different interpretations of those words.
      • Need to unify the storyline and messaging.
      • Messaging needs to contain: Background info, all da winz, recommendations for community workflows (how do you localize every day, how do you localize once every 6 weeks, etc.), reference to documented decision, and timing.
    • Pike (and others) to document decision in Bugzilla under "Continuous localization" meta decision bug.
    • Two big things to communicate in 53: l20n and x-channel.
    • Need to bring l10n-drivers thread to dev-l10n with brief starter message based on documented decision in bugzilla.
  • Reschedule PM/Tech meetings so that people can attend both (if they want)?
    • Some of us would like to have the freedom to attend both.
    • Need to exchange input between individuals within each group.
      • Only way to really do this is rescheduling the calls.
    • Alternatives:
      • Better note taking and publishing.
      • Going to continue brainstorming possible alternatives.
  • All Hands team meetings spaces
  • Report from Fx Desktop meeting talking l20n
    • Next step is to share this info with Firefox Tech Architects group.
    • Meeting with Jet tomorrow.
    • Assuming all r+, we're looking at landing mid-November in mozilla-central in fx53.

PM Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:45 AM PST, Localization Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

PM Meeting Notes

Project Roundtable
  • Firefox
    • Still focus on Search. Bug to centralize all XML files in a folder (browser/locales/searchplugins) has a r+ in bug 1276740, will land this week. Doing some work to update mail.ru searchplugin for desktop (looks like we have a search deal).
    • Worked on the migration scripts for merge day (devtools part), still need to ping Dwayne about it.
  • Fennec
  • Web:
    • Internet health report now on WordPress - works with Pontoon?
    • MOSS to be launched on Oct 27 in English only. L10n can catch up whenever it’s ready. Lots of content. Should we be selective on the locales? And how?
    • Engagement: review current locale list.
  • Hackathons
  • Onboarding a brand new locale and owner
    • Need to get mozilla.org starting documentation up first.
    • Pootle user guide
    • L10n community lifecycle (from birth to death)
  • X-channel communication strategy & timeline
    • Waiting for decision bugs.
  • L20n communication strategy & timeline
    • Waiting for decision bugs.
  • Bi-weekly l10n vidyo call with community
    • What is the agenda?
    • What is the purpose?
  • Vendor vetting process (need input since we will be meeting lots of vendors at loc world): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y0xfGo-24ZJI_uYFLtJFcuxCi20FNIqaeEc7v_FlaY4/edit

Tech Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:45 AM PST, Axel's Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

Tech Meeting Notes

  • Attendees:
  • Interactive session about L20n UI in pontoon.
    • A lot of progress since last week for traits support
    • row-based design
  • L20n mochitest failures, little progress.
    • bug 1292128 can use external help. stas has been trying to reproduce the bug on a loaner
    • doesn't occur when test is run individually
    • bug 1313027 is new-ish, gandalf to investigate fixed by bug 1312903, merge conflicts
  • Pike's looking for a reviewer on the compare-locales parser patch in bug 1310980, stas to take a look.
  • quick roundtable on x-channel and continuous-l10n email threads.
    • good that they exist, figure out how to make them public.

Previous Action Items


Action Items




Goals for this week:

  • LocWorld
  • Enable Navajo (nv) to mozilla.org projects.
  • Mentorship planning for Hawaii All Hands

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Mozilla.org: remove obsolete pages
  • Complete draft on l10n agency vetting process and gather feedback
  • Engagement: snippets (bug 1311152)
  • Mozilla.org: newsletter signup page update (bug 1312092)
  • Mozilla.org: update firefox landing page (per bedrock PR #4419)
  • Contribute to the l10n doc inventory list
  • Training on Alfred


Goals for this week:

  • more work on fennec § ios
  • send out message to dev.l10n about iOS train schedule

Struggles last week:

  • resume sign-offs - check a few times weekly

Achievements last week:

  • Arranged for swag to be shipped to alcides for Guarani launch party
  • book travel Asuncion
  • Training session with Alfred and Gandalf on Wed in SF
  • Paris Hackathon: go over draft goals so we can finalize team goals in paris
  • Start talking about setting up meetings with other teams during Hawaii
  • Update hackathon tshirt inventory, make sure there are enough tshirts for Paris, request a new shipment from Staples
  • paris hackathon planning
  • send batch of tshirts to Paris, bring the missing men's M with me there
  • design for hackathons next year: opened issue on github with open design team
  • start looking through l10n documentation for Fennecs and list/categorize
  • updated inventory with Paris hackathon numbers


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

  • Checkout MozFest localization track sessions

Achievements last week:

  • Transvision: only show productization settings for shipping locales in each product
  • Worked with Peiying on mozilla.org (newsletter, removed obsolete pages) and snippets request for November
  • More work on searchplugin centralization: reviewed l10n changes for Thunderbird
  • Start discussion about enabling all locales in Pontoon, with questions we might get from localizers
  • Started experimenting on tools to support cross-channel in Transvision (mozilla-l10n-query, transvision)


Goals for this week:

  • Meet with :littledan to discuss Intl.Locale / extension keys / OS prefs in ECMA402
  • ??

Struggles last week:

  • Work on the sessions for Hawaii

Achievements last week:

  • Run Alfred intro session on Wednesday
  • Write documentation of built-in functions for l20n
  • Moved forward with OS Intl Preferences proposal
  • Wrote a batch of tests for test262 PluralRules: https://github.com/zbraniecki/test262/tree/pluralrules
  • Rename -key to -command in FTL translations (bug 1309561)


Goals for this week:

  • Write blog post about open discussions
  • Create proposal for discussion/decision template bug and present to l10n-drivers for feedback.
  • Persuade one vendor to begin our vetting process at LocWorld.
  • Persuade one vendor to donate their services to the community at LocWorld.
  • Deliver the most amazing speech at LocWorld that will be the best and greatest thing you’ve every heard because I will be President.
  • Help Delphine to get a new t-shirt order in to Staples and identify who still needs t-shirts from this last year’s hackathons.

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Create spreadsheet for doc inventory
  • Run 2016 hackathon budget numbers for all hackathons.
  • Budget out hackathons for 2017
  • Practice LocWorld presentation
  • Contribute to finalizing the joint intern job descriptions for i18n engineer intern and lang asset manager intern.


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Sent out Persona to Firefox Accounts notification via email, 2 of 5


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • pushed a 10-patches queue to make compare-locales parser better


Goals for this week:

  • Create a mach command for migratiing localizations
  • write tests for Localization
  • Implement new names and the new dir layout

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Ping people about the Paris Hackathon goals
  • Create the migration script for FTL in Gecko (no hg integration yet)