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Joint Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST, Localization Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

Joint Meeting Notes

  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

PM Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:45 AM PST, Localization Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

PM Meeting Notes

  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Tech Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Tuesday, 9:45 AM PST, Axel's Vidyo room
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

Tech Meeting Notes

  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Previous Action Items


Action Items




Goals for this week:

  • Monthly l10n report
  • [Participation]: CPG update
  • L10n doc: draft email, SUMO; revise WIP docs.
  • [mozilla.org]: PRs 4988, 4995, 5000, 5004
  • Asunción: 1). prep Presentation; 2). swag orders
  • [mozilla.org]: BATM - de specific page

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • [Engagement]: Email in PL (Pocket)
  • mozilla.org: Hindi - budget approval and vendor service
  • L10n doc: Draft AMO, Snippets, Community Marketing Kit
  • [mozilla.org]: MOSS landing and Hindi partner page


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

  • [ongoing, blocked on search engine setup] vi mobile: all-locales and searchengines set up - still waiting on logo for new search engine (doesn't depend on me)

Achievements last week:

  • Updated PM projects (everything mobile related)
  • Pushing Focus iOS 3.4 fowards (lot's of things going around l10n and need to be fixed)
  • IDP update
  • Updated What's New for Firefox beta 56
  • Run script for stores_l10n
  • Exposed new Focus Android v2 strings
  • Mobile project Zerda: moving along with definined l10n with Taipei team
  • Documentation Focus testing: Done but commited to wrong repo :D will properly add when I'm back Wed. Doc is writen out already


Goals for this week:

  • Look into pending issues for stores_l10n
  • Provide content for l10n report
  • Clean up sign-offs on Beta after merge day

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Prepared pull request for Focus for iOS 3.4
  • Added Firefox Send to Pontoon
  • Set up Pontoon in docker, first patch: https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/pull/647
  • Reinstalled l10n tools on a temporary AWS instance, documented the process
  • Added words count to webdashboard
  • Webstatus: use compare-locales to parse FTL files
  • stores_l10n: Reviewed content for Firefox 56 beta with Delphine
  • Fixed a few broken links in GitBook l10n-drivers Documentation


Goals for this week:

  • Write a patch for hourCycle in Intl.DateTimeFormat
  • Write test262 tests for hourCycle
  • Push forward with webext-langpacks generation code

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Prepare ECMA402 RelativeTimeFormat proposal
  • Fork RelativeTimeFormat spec repo and align it with our work in Gecko
  • Get L10nRegistry r+
  • Submit Localization.jsm for review


Goals for this week:

  • Bring Q1 doc queue down to 0
  • Make bookings for Berlin
  • Write final draft of Multilingual mag article
  • Finalize all meal and transport arrangements in Asunción with Alcides.
  • Create Pudelo project in GitHub.
  • Wrap up thread with Dan

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Finalize all invites to Berlin (3 remaining locales)
  • Send out first public comms about Pudelo
  • Create invite list for Kolkata


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • PONT: First draft of how to translate and best practices
  • TERM: terminology for UX
  • PONT: draft how to translate in Pontoon
  • PONT: draft using pontoon UI
  • PONT: draft Pontoon resources
  • PONT: finish how to translate and best practices
  • PONT: draft Pontoon resources
  • PONT: draft Pontoon workflows


Goals for this week:

  • Bug 1310668: Stats are off
  • Bug 1343908: Number of literate speakers
  • Bug 1383483: iframe background
  • FTL: Fix bug 1382773: several stability improvements
  • FTL: Bug 1362072: Add source view support
  • Review Elmo Django upgrade PR

Struggles last week:

Achievements last week:

  • Reviewed fix by mastizada for bug 1343804: edit team info
  • Reviewed fix by mastizada for bug 1386193: use six for python 3 transition
  • Reviewed patch by mastizada to remove the commonware requirement (#643)
  • Reviewed patch by mastizada to remove the suds requirement (#639)
  • Reviewed fix by flod for bug 1384491: docker docs
  • Reviewed fix by flod to improve new project requests (#647)
  • Reviewed fix by adngdb for bug 1384531: CONTRIBUTING file
  • Reviewed fix by adngdb for bug 1384139: PEP8
  • Reviewed fix by adngdb for bug 1288956: reject instead of delete translations
  • Reviewed fix by karabellyj for bug 1335331: change email address
  • FTL: Fixed bug 1384846: diff view
  • FTL: Fixed bug 1384847: unsaved changes warning
  • FTL: Fixed bug 1384248: render strings with value and attributes
  • FTL: Serialize placeable in getSimplePreview(), update FTL Editor when translation unapproved (#651)
  • FTL: Properly remove comments on translation import (#644)
  • Fixed bug 1384896: fixed language packs build
  • Fixed bug 1382535: do not empty textarea on delete
  • Fixed bug 1385776: missing string vs sugestions
  • Prevent DoesNotExist exception (#642)
  • Prevent duplicate translation submissions (#648)
  • Add required field data for the initial project (#654)
  • FTL: Bug 1382773: filed PR with several stability improvements
  • Bug 1382207: vacuumed production DB
  • Completed GSoC
  • Migrated MDN localization to mozilla-l10n


Goals for this week:

Struggles last week:

  • wait times on reviews
  • tomprince found a bustage in my installers-% patch queue :-(

Achievements last week:

  • compare-locales 2.1 work, return codes, error checks (for pontoon)
  • finished patch queue to update elmo to django 1.11