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Aragonese (AN)


Team website: http://softaragones.org

Team members

Name Email Role Hg Access? SVN Access?
Daniel Martinez entaltoaragon AT gmail.com Translator YES YES
Juan Pablo Martínez juanpabl AT gmail.com Translator & Reviewer NO NO
Chesús D. Trigo xuxinho7 AT gmail.com Translator NO NO

Active projects


L10n kit

  • Softaragonese wiki (includes information on other localization projects, and soon will include our Style Guide and our Glossary).

How to join this l10n team

  1. If you use Twitter or Facebook, follow us on @softaragones and/or Softaragonese Facebook page.
  2. Read about us at our website.
  3. Send an e-mail to our mailing list softaragonese@googlegroups.com, introducing yourself. Tell us about yourself, what is your knowledge of Aragonese, why you want to be involved and ask how you can help out. You can tell us which languages you speak and which is your professoinal and technical background.
  4. If you haven't already, download your l10n team's localized build of Firefox Aurora and start using it as your default browser. Be sure to keep it up-to-date too. Proofread and test your locale's Firefox Aurora and suggest corrections to the rest of the team.

Team communication

  • Softaragonese website
  • Softaragonese mailing list: softaragones@googlegroups.com
  • Twitter account: @softaragones (follow us to be informed of our work!)
  • Facebook page (click "I like it to be informed of our work")

Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to start localizing http://support.mozilla.org/ into Aragonese, please do the following:

  1. Read our universal l10n documentation here.
  2. Create a SUMO account.
  3. Get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  4. Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community.

Additonal info