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Myanmar (my)



Team website: http://mozillamyanmar.org

Active team members

Name Email Role Desktop OS Tablet OS Mobile OS Hg Access? SVN Access?
Tin Aung Lin tinaunglinn (dot) eng91 (at) gmail (dot) com Lead yes yes yes yes yes
La Min Ko lminko (dot) lmk (at) gmail (dot) com Coordinator yes yes yes
Kyar Phyu Naing kyarphyunaing1994(at)gmail(dot)com Translator yes yes yes

Localizers in training

Name Email Project assignment Desktop OS Tablet OS Mobile OS

Active projects

Firefox Aurora NOTE: Generally, devtools/ and dom/ are not needed to translate.

Firefox for Android Aurora

Firefox for iOS

Firefox Health Report

Firefox Input




For QA: going quickly through the list of strings identical to English ("unchanged") could be helpful to find untranslated strings that should probably be localized. (Thanks Flod)

L10n kit

  • Pontoon Primary Tool and Recommended
  • Pootle (Used in previous and projects are on Pontoon now.)
  • [1] Mozilla's Trademarks
  • Poedit
  • Gtranslator
  • Lokalize
Translation Memory

How to join this l10n team

If you want to help our team, here are some of the things you can do first.

  • Email your name and area of interest to one of our lead or mentor
  • Creating an account on our translation portal (Called Pontoon ) here
  • Start translating
  • Participate in community events & join our online communities which are listed below
  • Enjoy

Team communication

Team Mailing List: dev-l10n-my[at]lists.mozilla.org
Register Here! Website: http://mozillamyanmar.org

Help us at https://pontoon.mozilla.org/my/