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Classical Nahuatl (nci)

Team members

Name Email Role Hg Access? SVN Access?
Manuel Rodriguez marrovi18@hotmail.com Team lead NO NO
Nelson Yolohmazatl nahualcalli@gmail.com Translator NO NO
José Maurilio Ricaño Lazcano teotlalili@prodigy.net.mx Translator NO NO

Active projects

  • Mozilla Firefox
Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to start localizing http://support.mozilla.org/ into Classical Nahuatl, please do the following:

  1. Read our universal l10n documentation here.
  2. Create a SUMO account.
  3. Get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  4. Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community.

L10n kit

  • Toolkit:

Additional info