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Dutch (nl)

Mozilla Nederland Logo

Team website: Mozilla Nederland

Support forum: Mozbrowser forum

Team group on Mozillians: Mozillians l10n:nl

Bugzilla: file a bug for Dutch localization

Active team members

Name Email Nickname Role (owner) Hg Access? SVN Access?
Mark Heijl markh(at)babelzilla.org markh AMO NO NO
Wim Benes frysk(at)mozilla-nl.org Mozes YES YES
Onno Ekker o.e.ekker(at)gmail.com nONoNonO Thunderbird

Localizers in training

Name Email Nick Project assignment

Previous localizers

Name Nick Role
Ton Kessen tonnes Gaia, Calendar, SUMO
Tim Maks van den Broek mad_maks Browser, Mail, Toolkit, Mobile, Suite
Gert-Paul van der Beek Toolkit/Browser/Mail
Koen Hendrckx Calendar
Ben Branders Mozilla Europe
René van Roon Thunderbird
Hendrik Maryns
Niek Dekker Seamonkey
Martijn Ras Mozilla Suite

Active projects

Software projects
  • Calendar
  • Firefox (desktop)
  • Firefox (Android)
  • Firefox OS (Gaia)
  • SeaMonkey
  • Thunderbird

Current status of all software projects is available on the Dutch Dashboard.

Web Projects

L10n kit


We use the Mercurial version control system (Hg) to manage our source code and localizations. Localizers in training can get a updated zipfile with the localization files or pull the files from Mercurial

All localizers working on software projects use a texteditor. The localization process is managed individually by each module owner on his own schedule. When possible web content is managed on Verbatim, in order to let more people cooperate.

Translation Memory

We currently use Transvision. This tool is useful in several situations, for example to check if wrong strings belong to the software or an add-on, identify in which file a particular string is saved or check how an English string is localized (this is extremely important for SUMO articles).


Our team doesn't have an official glossary. The most common terms are available in our Style guide, if a term is missing we rely on Transvision's search.

Style Guide

A brief Style guide is available on our website.

How to join this l10n team

Send a mail to one of the teammembers and he/she will help you with the next steps

Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to help localize http://support.mozilla.org/nl into your language, please do the following:

  1. Create a SUMO account
  2. If you can, get in touch with the Group Leader(s) listed here via a Private Message. If there is nobody listed there, please get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  3. Read our universal l10n documentation here. For language-specific documentation, please get in touch with your Group Leader(s).
  4. Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community. We don’t bite, unless you’re made of cake ;-)
  5. You're ready to go! If you have any questions, ask them on the forums.

Team communication

We use our support forum for all the QA process and coordinate the localization of all current projects.