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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items

Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Jeff, stas, Pike, mathjazz, chofmann, pascalc
  • Put your talking points here.
  • gaia-l10n is up, next steps?
    • stas to coordinate with hwine to create more repos
    • pike to patch elmo to support locale list for dir compare
  • android, next steps?
    • pike to post about the plan, and to suggest to separate locales for sign-off and not

Action Items

  • stas to coordinate with hwine to create more repos [done]
  • pike to patch elmo to support locale list for dir compare [done]
  • pike to post about the plan, and to suggest to separate locales for sign-off and not [done]


New locales updates

Acholi (ach)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Burmese (my)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Kazakh (kk)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Malay (ms)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Maithili (mai)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Mongolian (mn)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Northern Sotho (nso)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Songhay (son)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Project updates


  • Reported a bug in bedrock extraction script for strings in {% trans %} blocks (an alternate way in a jinja template to mark a big chunk of text as localizable) (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=791967)
  • Fixed a CDN bug with localized Firefox download page background image with a workaround patch (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=791972), bug still open because the root issues (CDN is down + bug not caught by QA tests) are not fixed
  • Meeting tomorrow with Tara Shahian to talk about localizing the pages that will be created for Mozilla Foundation 10 year anniversary
  • Got contacted today by pfinch for a localized survey about Android phones





Other engagement projects

  • mozillians.org: fonts fixed for l10n, will be on production on September 26th



Tools / L20n

Grow Mozilla