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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items


New locales updates

Burmese (my)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Malay (ms)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Mongolian (mn)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Northern Sotho (nso)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Songhay (son)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Urdu (ur)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Azerbaijan (az)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Samoan (sm)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Tagalog (tl-PH)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Lao (lo)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Sundanese (su-id)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Project updates


  • strings for Firefox 17 whatsnew translated in about 25 locales but still no page created to see them. I think we may get that page translated in 40 locales for the release, maybe more, the other locales will have mixed translated/English text as we are reusing existing strings for whatsnew
  • about the same number of locales done for home page snippets, webdev is happy about my json API for them \o/
  • State of Mozilla to be released tomorrow, we should have 10 to 14 locales at launch (16 last year), it was a lot more work on the new platform and we fixed big and annoying bugs in bedrock in the process
  • New projects in the pipe for Firefox 17 social api: new download page with a facebook messenger focus, firstun page ported from static html in php to bedrock to allow localization, facebook tabs translations by contractor to review and debug for ~15 locales. I will get all this new content today and tomorrow.





Other engagement projects



Tools / L20n


Grow Mozilla

  • Pascal: I am at Ubuntu Party Paris this week end, (bad timing since the amount of work for Firefox 17 but I am a speaker there, have a booth and a room for workshops already booked) and we have simultaneous localization workshops with JDLL event in Lyon where Goofy is.