Marketing:Firefox Materials

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Update 1/10/2008 To the owner of this page, please do not delete it. A few of us from Spread Firefox are updating it and the Fox Mat page. Also, please contact* -Ken Saunders to discuss transferring ownership.

PLEASE use the discussion page for discussion, NOT here.

Web Materials

One might want to check out the Image Galleries of SpreadFirefox first.

Ad Banners/Buttons

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Slogans and Quotes

Key Messages

  • Rediscover The Web
  • The Browser You Can Trust


SFx and MozillaZine KB

Link to a quote's origin if it's elsewhere, but don't list a quote's author here. Please vote by editing this page and incrementing by one the number alongside a given quote. (Apend 'votes:1' if there isn't already a votes: entry.) No matter how cool you think a given quote is, you are a pathetic ass if you vote for your own, or increment a quote twice. The history tab will reveal cheaters, so don't cheat. Sort quotes into vote order.

  • The qu_ck brown fox jumps over th_ lazy dog - origin votes:3
  • How the web was won -- back - origin votes:1
  • don't worry, browse happy - origin votes:1
  • Firefox. The red pill. - origin votes:1
  • Because it's your web
  • Firefox, Just Get it!
  • Use the Fox, Luke! - (origin)
  • a blue 'e' is a wannabe (only for aussies) - origin
  • blue e = e blue - origin
  • F comes after E - origin
  • I like change... I LOVE firefox
  • Why risk the blue e when Firefox is free? - origin
  • Firefox - the real Internet "explorer"
  • Because Browsing Matters
  • Anti-webotic
  • Spread Firefox, not a virus
  • Go, Online (Or "Go Online")
  • Its all about Choice
  • The internet done right.
  • The internet 2.0 just a download away.
  • The web just got better.
  • Hotter than a fox in a forest fire
(I just heard this tonight, 1am gmt 29/11/2004, in a uk channel 5 transmission of abc's nfl coverage, said by a commentator describing peyton manning who has gotten an amazing 24 TD throws in 5 games, with 6 TDs in his latest game :)
  • The Web We Won - origin
  • Got spyware? Get Firefox! origin
  • The web the way it should be origin
  • Firefox - Have You tried it yet?
  • Try Firefox
  • Try Something Different
  • Firefox - Give it a go

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Real world Material


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E-mail/Letter Templates

All the e-mail templates are available in the Standardized Letters category. Letters are usually available in 6 different languages.

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Material for Personal Use

Materials that you can use on your own computer


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Misc Materials

Customize Firefox

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Related Links

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