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This page was initially written to migrate the MathML project pages to wiki pages. Most of the work is now done and the new home page is If you want to help, the remaining work is essentially on MathML demos (bug 585142).

Documentation for Web developers is available here: Documentation for project contributors is on the present Wiki. If you want to help improving MathML documentation, feel free to edit all these wiki pages :-)

Initial notes on the MathML Project Page at

  • MathML in Mozilla => move the project page to MDC
    • Updates
      • "Mozilla Firefox 1.5 has been released..." => outdated
      • "Markup of the Week (or two...)" => link broken
      • Status of each tag
    • Discussion Forum
    • Links
      • Add link to installation of fonts
      • W3C Recommendation => add link to MathML 3
      • Testsuite
    • Fonts and MathML-enabled Binaries of Mozilla
      • Nightly builds
      • Milestone builds
      • Other platforms => Should we keep this page?
    • Sample MathML Documents
      • Tester... => This was simply used to display MathML from an input form, but it no longer works anyway.
      • Screenshots
      • MathML Start Page (also in Hebrew and Thai)
      • MathML Torture Test
      • World of Chaos => link broken, can not find a new uri for mathzilla
      • Mathematics for Computer Scientists => link broken
      • More...
    • Create MathML Documents
      • Guidelines for Authoring - Get the most out of the current Mozilla MathML renderer
      • => link to W3C's MathML software list
      • Fonts - Characters/Entities for scientific documents. => already mentioned above
    • Note
      • JavaScripted MathML editor => outdated, mention Firemath in
    • The Big Picture
      • The priority of the project will be to provide a compact and fast engine... => this has been achieved, now
      • WYSIWYG interface to MathML
        • an equation editor button on Composer => mention on
        • the support of an input field => mention on
      • Transformation Services => tools are already mentioned above
    • Implementation
      • support for semantic/content tags => mention bug 276028 as well as DOM MathML on
  • Status of each tag => move to MDC (new page and reference to the old one)
    • Notes => move these notes elsewhere
      • stylistic effects
      • script
    • working demos so far => already mentioned is the main page
    • issues
      • Some limitations exist due to the specifities of MathML. => well, we should really detail the limitations
      • top-level element, mrow => mention the issue of linebreaking elsewhere
      • mglyph, Can have portability problems... => in MathML 3, is only used to insert an image
      • mstyle, The scriptsizemultiplier attribute as well as... => give details of unsupported attributes
      • menclose, Not yet implemented in Mozilla => is now implemented
      • mtd, The interpretation of rowspan and columnspan... => is this comment still needed or is our interpretation obvious?
      • maction, => I guess we can remove the Tips. The mml editor seems not to work anymore.
    • Extras (technology demonstration, non-portable) => already mentioned is the main page
  • Fonts => move to MDC
    • Mozilla is internally Unicode-based. => fix link
    • Please read section Mozilla 1.8 (for Firefox 2.0) or Mozilla 1.9 (for Firefox 3.0) as appropriate. => I think we can move only the information regarding Mozilla 1.9 (Firefox 2.0 is no longer supported). The old doc is to move on a separate page
    • move STIX fonts to MDC and link to www-archive for the old fonts
  • Screenshots => move to MDC
    • => update screenshots and add more. It seems there is a regression with mathcolor/background BTW.
  • Enable => this page looks outdated. For example we probably want to get rid of GetBoundingMetrics. It may also be the case with other pages of the fonts/ directory that are referenced here. We should try to collect and update the relevant information. To move to since it is really for code contributors.
  • Authoring => move to MDC (new page and reference to the old one)
    • "The definitive reference for MathML is the MathML specification... and/or picking up an item in the ToDo list." => this introduction is a bit outdated and sometimes off-topic, I think we can remove it."
    • Essentials
      • "Since MathML is an application of... content in Mozilla "out-of-the-box" => what this paragraph is essentially saying is that MathML can only be used in well-formed XML documents. This is what I've reformulated in Essentials of MDC. I've also mentioned workarounds for HTML4 and the future possibility of MathML-in-HTML5
      • XHTML Conformance => XHTML is well known now. Some tutorials may already exist in MDC or elsewhere, no need to keep this
      • Authoring for Mozilla => I've given a basic example on MDC. I don't know if it is worth keeping the tip of declaring a mathml entity.
      • "MathML Tips" => I prefer to give some suggestions of authoring tools for MathML, which is really the way people write it (and make MathML more attractive than having to learn a verbose XML syntax). However, these tips can still be useful for people writing testcases, developing authoring tools or willing to optimize their MathML markups. Hence I've given a link to the old page. I don't know if it is worth moving these tips to MDC
  • updates, conf2000 => Add an "archives" section has been added in MDC.