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  • How do we brainstorm around features? Especially UI? What tools do we use?
  • Native verse XUL
  • Firefox/Minefield Lite or something new?
  • How do we do fast prototypes?
  • Software Keyboard interaction


  • Brad Lassey (blassey)
  • Christian Sejersen (christian)
  • Venky Raju (venky)

Action Items

  • beltzner hook us with conceptshare
 * how open/public is it? 
 * can it be anonymous?
 * what are the rights on upload content
  • venky to share his account so that we can play with it.


  • ConceptShare
 Drawing tool, then post, and them comment on.
 Does not allow anonymous access.  Must register 
 and may be granted admin, comment or view privileges.  (venky)

  • How do we support multiple devices.
 * maybe different addons for devices
  • XUL verse native -- we will use XUL for device browser, but support native for embedders.
  • Firefox lite makes some sense for n800 style devices, but this not the rule.
  • First cut of UI types: Touchless, Stylus, Touch

From Last Week

  • {}

Work in Progress