Mobile/Projects/AMO and Marketplace discoverability

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Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
722902 Make AMO more discoverable in the browser P2 RESOLVED
880281 Make Marketplace more discoverable in about:apps -- VERIFIED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (50%);


Phase 1: target Fx 26

  • Ensure the UI is simple and easy to follow to enter the Marketplace and AMO with little modification to the current 'Tools -> ' screens
  • The intent is to intuitively let people know that pressing the associated icon gets them to the repository of content they may be looking for
  • NO additional promotional events are to take place
  • NO Marketplace visibility will be shown in the new 'Settings -> Customize' menu

Phase 2: target TBD

  • Surface and promote AMO & the Firefox Marketplace in ways that are genuinely useful to the user, and not intrusive or annoying
  • Figure out how to help users find add-ons and web applications that will augment their online lives and deepen their attachment to Firefox through increased personalization and customization.
  • Dependent on a solid WebApp Experience (see the WebApp experience project page for more details)


Phase 1: target Fx 26

  • AMO discoverability
    • Following Tools -> Add-ons, add text that points the user to the AMO so it is obvious what a user needs to do in order to enter the AMO (whether an add-on is already installed or not)
    • Ensure the correct AMO icon is used (puzzle piece)
  • Marketplace discoverability
    • Following Tools -> Apps, add text that points the user to the Marketplace so it is obvious what a user needs to do in order to enter the Marketplace for apps (whether an app is already installed or not)
    • Ensure the correct Marketplace icon is used (shopping bag)

Phase 2: target TBD

Brainstorming ONLY:

  • mine client-side browser history - if there is significant traffic to a site that has an add-on and/or web app, promote those addons/webapps to the user
  • use dynamic snippets to promote AMO & Marketplace (obv)
  • create an API or something that allows sites that have add-ons or webapps to promote those to Firefox users when users are on their site...something unobtrusive, akin to= the "search engine icon glow". What could this be? Infobar is too obtrusive.
  • push announcements about updates for installed add-ons?
  • promote add-ons/webapps through FHR?
  • standard marketing stuff -- newsletters, etc.
  • add a "Marketplace" pane to about:home on Fennec (alongside or as part of the "Add-ons" pane)?

User stories

Phase 1: target Fx 26

  • As a user, I don't want to be confused or guess on what to press or where to go when I want to browse more add-ons after going to Tools -> Add-ons.
  • As a user, I don't want to be confused or guess on what to press or where to go when I want to browse more apps after going to Tools -> Apps.
  • As a product manager, I want to ensure we are doing the minimum to ensure a less confusing discoverability experience without heavily promoting Marketplace until the full WebApp experience is stood up.

UX design

Phase 1: target Fx 26

  • AMO design and assets are included in the AMO bug - see tracker above
  • Marketplace design and assets are (will be!) included in the Marketplace bug - see tracker above

Quality criteria

  1. All specifications are met
  2. All user stories are satisfied